E-Hentai-Downloader copied to clipboard
Could this metadata be incorporated please?
Hi, I've seen the issue but forgot to reply, sorry for the late reply.
However I didn't see the benefit of JSON format, the readability is not as clear as a plain text file for common user, unless you're using some automation tools or it's formatted. Also the JSON metadata provided by x/gallery-metadata
is not fully compatible with E-Hentai official JSON API schema.
"gid": 592178,
"token": "41cc263dc7",
"archiver_key": "435566--04913597254dc4fb1e655bdda9a8be4fb9878df1",
"title": "(Shota Scratch 5) [Studio Zealot (Various)] Bokutachi! Shotappuru!! (Boku no Pico)",
"title_jpn": "(ショタスクラッチ5) [Studio Zealot (よろず)] ぼくたち!しょたっぷる!! (ぼくのぴこ)",
"category": "Doujinshi",
"thumb": "https:\/\/ehgt.org\/4c\/6a\/4c6ad39fffcdefcb2cd35218a95395af2e5ad74d-1854978-2118-3000-jpg_l.jpg",
"uploader": "tooecchi",
"posted": "1368418878",
"filecount": "63",
"filesize": 75630519,
"expunged": false,
"rating": "4.54",
"torrentcount": "1",
"torrents": [
"hash": "2a4641feba9943b0e028927879ff6567e74bf0ae",
"added": "1551314399",
"name": "(Shota Scratch 5) [Studio Zealot (Various)] Bokutachi! Shotappuru!! (Boku no Pico)",
"tsize": "15576",
"fsize": "75637278"
"tags": [
"parody:boku no pico",
"group:studio zealot",
"artist:aoi madoka",
"artist:azuma kyouto",
"artist:fujinomiya yuu",
"artist:mikami hokuto",
"artist:miyakawa hajime",
"artist:mokkouyou bond",
"artist:murasaki nyaa",
"artist:tanuma yuuichirou",
"male:josou seme",
"male:school swimsuit",
"male:schoolgirl uniform",
So at this time I'm not willing to merge the PR for some uncommon features, and it may reduce maintainability (thought 1.x is already a mess).
x/gallery-metadata's JSON provides more information and there are tools for managing and reading comics/doujins (HappyPandaX and LANraragi) that can automatically fetch information from x/gallery-metadata's JSON. JSON is also a format of plain text btw.
I wouldn't say it's uncommon to collect metadata, especially when E-Hentai's owner almost killed the entire website a couple of months ago. This would be an excellent feature but it's up to you to implement it. I don't think anybody would be against it.
Edit: I forgot to mention that x/gallery-metadata's JSON format has been used for almost a decade now and many offline readers don't want to support each and different format (https://github.com/Difegue/LANraragi/issues/151#issuecomment-516460350). It'd be beneficial if x/gallery-metadata was implemented as it is a type of standard now (I'd like to think it is a standard because it came from the most popular download script until EHDL was released a few years ago). There's also this, it adds metadata files in the same format as x/gallery-metadata, so if anyone is missing metadata in their local archive, they can use that script to add/update metadata in their local archive without re-downloading the entire gallery, although they'd have to tweak the settings because E-Hentai is quick to temporarily ban somebody for excessive page loads.
Let me know what you think.
needs to be added, please don't ignore this amazing request.
Why do you insist on fragmenting metadata support
Yeah, this is really the only thing stopping me from using the main E-H Downloader builds. Meta-data is a huge part of archiving, and when E-H could be taken down at any moment, keeping metadata for galleries is quite important.
Edit: This can be closed if https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader/pull/140 merges.
#140 worked fine until last month because exhentai changed the header
Because there were no issues with #140, and because we've been using it for years with eze downloader which became deprecated a while ago (which is why we're using EHDL), could this be added to the script now? Lanraragi doesn't support EHDL's gallery info because it's not better than this #140.
@LoLsAlEd merged EHDL with the official metadata userscript a few days ago. It works for me with Firefox and Violentmonkey but I cannot guarantee it'll work for you.
link to the userscript: https://gist.github.com/LoLsAlEd/642a67a3e67cef0e459c44aaa4e6bf88
@LoLsAlEd merged EHDL with the official metadata userscript a few days ago. It works for me with Firefox and Violentmonkey but I cannot guarantee it'll work for you.
link to the userscript: https://gist.github.com/LoLsAlEd/642a67a3e67cef0e459c44aaa4e6bf88
Shame that the script broke and it cant download original files anymore... @LoLsAlEd Is it going to be fixed?