Glowy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Glowy copied to clipboard

Adds glow effect to TextView and Button texts in android. Full runtime control over glow animation.


Though this api is pretty basic and probaly would just work out of the box, this is no longer under development or maintained.

Glowing Text Animation API

This is an API for Android Programmers.
Using this API you can make your TextView and Button text Glow with color of your choice.


Step 1 : Initialize Variables

// TextView which is to be glow
TextView textView;

// Create instance of Activity
MainActivity activity = this;

float       startGlowRadius = 6f,         // Glowing starts with this Intensity
			minGlowRadius   = 3f,         // Minimum Glowing Intensity
			maxGlowRadius   = 15f;        // Maximum Glowing Intensity

// Create instance of GlowingText
GlowingText glowText;

Step 2 : Instantiate GlowingText class

  • Obviously you must do it inside OnCreate
glowText = new GlowingText(
		activity,           // Pass activity Object
		getBaseContext(),   // Context
		textView,           // TextView
		minGlowRadius,      // Minimum Glow Radius
		maxGlowRadius,      // Maximum Glow Radius
		startGlowRadius,    // Start Glow Radius - Increases to MaxGlowRadius then decreases to MinGlowRadius.
		Color.BLUE,         // Glow Color (int)
		1);                 // Glowing Transition Speed (Range of 1 to 10)  (fast ... slow)

And it starts Glowing ...

Step 3 : Don't Forget

  • method stopGlowing() should be called for each and every instance of GlowingText class.
public void onDestroy(){
    // Don't forget to use this.

Inbuilt Methods You Can Use

 // You can use these methods to change glowing attribute dynamically.

 // You can use following methods to retrieve current data
 Log.d(TAG,"Current Glow Radius: "    +glowText.getCurrentGlowRadius());
 Log.d(TAG,"Max Glow Radius: "        +glowText.getMaxGlowRadius());
 Log.d(TAG,"Min Glow Radius: "        +glowText.getMinGlowRadius());
 Log.d(TAG,"Glow Color: "             +glowText.getGlowColor());
 Log.d(TAG,"Glow Transition Speed: "  +glowText.getTransitionSpeed());