Cristian Cadar
Cristian Cadar
Nice changes, thanks, @danielschemmel . The CI failure is independent of your changes, we need to merge #1576 first.
I think we should close this at this point, but if needed, please re-open and try to provide a small concrete example.
@MartinNowack do we have the Docker images to 22.04? It would be nice to make this change in the CI, as LLVM 9 is quite old now.
Great to hear, is there a rough ETA?
Thanks, Frank! An exciting addition, I'll try to take a look soon.
@251 I took a look, and left a few small comments. In addition to those, I think it would be really useful to add some documentation to the webpage. Let's...
@251 I took another look and I'm happy to merge this, please rebase. As I mentioned before, it would be great to prepare some documentation, as some options/ideas are not...
@251 thanks again for this useful addition. It looks fine, and it's quite modular, so let's merge it! But can you first add some documentation to the website? The comments...
Thanks for the documentation, @251 . Can you at least just rename the user-facing options (`--write-ptree`, `ptree.db`) here? Seems to be the right time to do it, as this is...
So what name do you suggest? I think "execution tree" (with the short form "etree") is the right terminology, as this is what we and others already use in papers....