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A previous CC search project, see its successor at

Want to see your favorite site on our new search tool?

  • Make a GitHub issue:

Who's working on it at Creative Commons?

Role Person
Driver Matt Lee
Consulted Add yourselves here
Informed Add yourselves here

CC Search

This is a replacement search for Creative Commons. Rather than just pointing at other engines, we aim to provide a more traditional interface.

  • We are not making a search engine, but rather just an interface to existing search engines.

Through the darkness of futures past

The magician longs to see

One chants out between two worlds

Fire walk with me

How this works

  1. You enter a query and choose a license.

  2. We look for a cached resultset, and if we don't find one we build one.

  3. We build a resultset by querying the various APIs (so far, Internet Archive and Flickr) and storing a few common pieces of data in a standard format in JSON.

    • Title of the work
    • License URL
    • Item identifier (IA item data, Flickr object number)
    • Item URL (to actually show the thing)
  4. When we have some JSON in our standard format, we display it in a nice looking way and you can click it and see more info.


Check out this project:

git clone

Install php dependencies: php5-curl , php5-redis

Restart apache afterwards.

Run composer:

composer update

Copy and configure config.php:

cp config.php.example config.php
emacs config.php

Create the template cache directory and make it writable by the web server:

mkdir application/themes/cc/templates_c
chown www-data:www-data application/themes/cc/templates_c