BD_to_AVP copied to clipboard
Running FRIM to split MVC to stereo
not sure on the expected duration so this may or may not be an actual issue. I have an m3 pro max and it's been "stuck" on "Running FRIM to split MVC to stereo." for over 12 hrs. I hate to cancel it if this is normal. any suggestions?
input: bd-to-avp --source Rogue\ One\ A\ Star\ Wars\ Story\ 3D.iso --output-root-folder .
Processing Rogue One A Star Wars Story 3D.iso Running Get disc and MVC video properties /
Custom MakeMKV profile created at Rogue One A Star Wars Story/custom_profile.mmcp.xml Running Rip disc to MKV file. /
Detecting crop parameters... Getting subtitle tracks from Rogue One A Star Wars Story/Rogue One- A Star Wars Story_t07.mkv Running ffmpeg to extract video, audio, and subtitles from MKV Running Extract subtitle track from MKV /
Running FRIM to split MVC to stereo. \ <- stuck here for 12+ hrs