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When I set an intensity, it auto resets to a different one.
No matter what intensity I set in the command line using the -i function, even though it initially assigns more threads, it then reverts to the same (?default) intensity a few lines down. How do I get it to actually run with the intensity settings I want:
D:\ccminer-x64-2.2.2-cuda9>ccminer-x64 -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u theXXX.1 -p XXX -i 14.99 *** ccminer 2.2.2 for nVidia GPUs by tpruvot@github *** Built with VC++ 2013 and nVidia CUDA SDK 9.0 64-bits
Originally based on Christian Buchner and Christian H. project Include some kernels from alexis78, djm34, djEzo, tsiv and krnlx.
BTC donation address: 1AJdfCpLWPNoAMDfHF1wD5y8VgKSSTHxPo (tpruvot)
[2017-11-08 06:34:23] Adding 16128 threads to intensity 14, 32512 cuda threads [2017-11-08 06:34:23] Starting on stratum+tcp:// [2017-11-08 06:34:23] NVML GPU monitoring enabled. [2017-11-08 06:34:23] NVAPI GPU monitoring enabled. [2017-11-08 06:34:23] 1 miner thread started, using 'scrypt' algorithm. [2017-11-08 06:34:24] Stratum difficulty set to 131072 (2.00000) [2017-11-08 06:34:24] scrypt block 1631827, diff 10898.083 [2017-11-08 06:34:25] GPU #0: 32 hashes / 4.0 MB per warp. [2017-11-08 06:34:26] GPU #0: Performing auto-tuning, please wait 2 minutes... [2017-11-08 06:34:26] GPU #0: maximum total warps (BxW): 1484 [2017-11-08 06:34:45] Stratum difficulty set to 256 (0.00391) [2017-11-08 06:34:45] scrypt block 1631828, diff 8720.082 [2017-11-08 06:35:09] scrypt block 1631829, diff 8720.082 [2017-11-08 06:36:47] GPU #0: 589791.16 hash/s with configuration T12x11 [2017-11-08 06:39:34] scrypt block 1631830, diff 8720.082 [2017-11-08 06:39:34] GPU #0: using launch configuration T12x11 [2017-11-08 06:39:34] scrypt block 1631831, diff 8720.082 [2017-11-08 06:39:34] GPU #0: Intensity set to 12.0313, 4224 cuda threads [2017-11-08 06:39:34] scrypt factor set to 9 (1024)
I XXX'd out the actual pool, worker name, password, but you can see where I attempted to set the intensity to 14.99 in the command line, was assigned extra threads, then lower down the intensity was changed to 12.0313 with only a fraction of the threads. With the program revised intensity level, my GPU doesn't even get warm and the hash rate is very slow. I have also tried with setting the T levels myself in advance, so that the auto-tuning does not occur, same result.