MMM-Todoist copied to clipboard
Lists stuck on Loading!!!
So I an new to MM and coding. However, I have went through every forum and fix that I could find for this issue and nothing is working for me. My config file looks like:
module: 'MMM-Todoist',
position: 'top_left', // This can be any of the regions. Best results in left or right regions.
header: 'Dakota', // This is optional
config: { // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
accessToken: "Mine from ToDoist developers section",
apiVersion: "v9",
apiBase: "",
todoistEndpoint: "sync",
maximumEntries: 15,
updateInterval: 10601000,
fade: false,
lists: [ 2338484591 ],
labels: [ "MagicMirror", "Important" ],
sortType: "*",
MaxTitleLength: 100,
wrapEvents: false,
showProject: false
I also saw that the node_helper.js file needed to be updated for Version 9 updates, so I have changed the node_helper.js file to view as follows:
headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "cache-control": "no-cache" "Authorization": "Bearer" + self.config.accessToken }, form: { token: self.config.accessToken, sync_token: "*", resource_types: self.config.todoistResourceType }
Can anyone tell me what direction I need to go with this? My goal is to have a project displayed on the left side for my daughter and on the right side for my son for their chore lists.