transfuse copied to clipboard
Salmon failure
I am trying to merge 4 different assemblies and got an error from Salmon. I have attached the logs as well as standard error with this message. Hope you can spot the issue and provide me a solution for it. And I would also like to specify 'strandedness' for Salmon - Is this possible?
We are also having salmon trouble, but it looks like we're using a newer version of transrate perhaps?
Freeing memory used by read queue . . .
Joined parsing thread . . . "/n/regal/oconnell_lab/loconnell/toxcomb/normtrans/transrate_Binpacker/compiled_R2_pair.fq.normalized_K25_C30_pctSD200.fq.compiled_R2_pair.fq.normalized_K25_C30_pctSD200.fq.Binpacker.bam"
Closed all files . . .
Emptied frag queue. . .
Emptied Alignemnt Group Pool. .
Emptied Alignment Group Queue. . . done
Exception : [Error in function boost::math::digamma<double>(double): numeric overflow]
/n/sw/fasrcsw/apps/Core/transrate/1.0.1-fasrc01/bin/salmon alignment-quant was invoked improperly.
For usage information, try /n/sw/fasrcsw/apps/Core/transrate/1.0.1-fasrc01/bin/salmon quant --help-alignments
/n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transrate-1.0.1/lib/transrate/salmon.rb:27:in `run': Salmon failed (Transrate::SalmonError)
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transrate-1.0.1/lib/transrate/read_metrics.rb:120:in `assign_and_quantify'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transrate-1.0.1/lib/transrate/read_metrics.rb:63:in `run'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transrate-1.0.1/lib/transrate/transrater.rb:86:in `read_metrics'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transfuse-0.5.0/lib/transfuse/transfuse.rb:228:in `block (2 levels) in transrate'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transfuse-0.5.0/lib/transfuse/transfuse.rb:224:in `chdir'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transfuse-0.5.0/lib/transfuse/transfuse.rb:224:in `block in transrate'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transfuse-0.5.0/lib/transfuse/transfuse.rb:220:in `each'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transfuse-0.5.0/lib/transfuse/transfuse.rb:220:in `each_with_index'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transfuse-0.5.0/lib/transfuse/transfuse.rb:220:in `transrate'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/gems/transfuse-0.5.0/bin/transfuse:66:in `<top (required)>'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/bin/transfuse:23:in `load'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/bin/transfuse:23:in `<main>'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval'
from /n/home00/loconnell/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `<main>'
I'm getting a Salmon error similar to aaronk - I'm running transfuse 0.5.0 with packaged transrate 1.0.1 and packaged salmon 0.4.2.
Please see attached file for log.
I've not seen that error from salmon before. It looks like you're using all the versions that I have tested transfuse with. This error is happening when transrate
is running analysis on the bam files that are produced by snap
If you run salmon_v0.4.2 standalone on that bam file do you get the same error?
This is the command that transrate uses:
salmon quant --libType IU --alignments <bamfile> --targets <assembly> --threads <threads> --sampleOut --sampleUnaligned --output . --useVBOpt --useErrorModel
Hello all,
Has this issue been resolved? I am running into a similar error. Apparently Salmon is unable to map the reads back to the assemblies and therefore gets a count of 0 for every transcript, that is what triggers the boost library error, but I do not know how to solve it. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
Good day,
I am having the same issue with the latest transfuse release. Any ideas?
I've come across the same error message displayed by @aaronk, but only with my latest attempt of fusing several assemblies from multiple assemblers. All previous runs with smaller batches of assemblies worked fine.
Update on the salmon failure: The issue has been brought up and worked around in salmon itself, see:
About halfway down, user rob-p comments on it and recommends leaving out the --useVBOpt
To do that in transfuse I went here: /my/path/to/transfuse-0.5.0-linux-x86_64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/gems/transrate-1.0.1/lib/transrate/ . In this directory lives a file called salmon.rb and in there below the line
def build_command assembly, bamfile, threads=4
I removed the line
cmd << " --useVBOpt"
and the problem went away.