Carsten Bleek
Carsten Bleek
@TiSiE I think the scope have to be renamed from r_basicprofile to r_liteprofile. At least, I've done this in our Demo.
it's simply not implemented yet
The Abort/Accept Callbacks should be set on the OAuth Server side. Isn't this possible?
nice idea. I've added some semantic markup to the default template. The result can be checked at So for the moment, users can add semantic markup directly to...
from my point of view, this is the desired behavior. It would be better if the headings could be assigned to a template. But there is no template entity yet
Hi, by default yawik runs in production mode. If you make changes to the config files in autoload, please make sure to remove the /var/www/YAWIK# ls -1 cache/module-c* cache/module-classmap-cache.module_map.php cache/module-config-cache.production.php...
We'll make this later @TiSiE OK?
Was meinst du mit "Firmenprofil öschen?" Ein Firmenprofil ist ja nur eine Ansicht auf die Daten einer Firma. Es gibt die Möglichkeit die Sicht auf die Firmendaten zu aktivieren wenn:...
@TiSiE kannst du Stefani bitte erklären, wie das bei den Jobs funktioniert und was gemacht werden muss.
In case of an empty email address or in case the email address is already in use by another account we should offer a form, so the user can adjust...