Results 18 comments of cbfraser

build issues... suggestions appreciated recovery steps so far: 1) installed go sudo apt-get install golang-go 2) export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go - now make hangs on: ../go_path/src/ unknown tls.Config field 'GetCertificate' in...

Configuration Parameters: Need to define user/system parameters: Filter for audio alerts based on: traffic_distance traffic_separation (vertical) collision_window audio pacing for same target angle for target high/low

first audio reports generated from live traffic - error in data feed - some mode S traffice reporting "BearingDist_valid": true, which I believe is not possible but bearing and distance...

yes I can help you with that - what files do you want? 2017/12/04 17:27:28 C04414 => {"Icao_addr":12600340,"Reg":"C-FZUH","Tail":"e C-FZUH","Emitter_category":0,"OnGround":false,"**_Addr_type":0_**,"TargetType":0,"SignalLevel":-28.77129077135564,"Squawk":0,"Position_valid":false,"Lat":0,"Lng":0,"Alt":10475,"GnssDiffFromBaroAlt":0,"AltIsGNSS":false,"NIC":0,"NACp":0,"Track":0,"Speed":0,"Speed_valid":false,"Vvel":0,"Timestamp":"2017-12-04T17:27:26.76Z","PriorityStatus":0,"Age":1.74,"AgeLastAlt":1.42,"Last_seen":"0001-01-01T00:02:14.14Z","Last_alt":"0001-01-01T00:02:14.46Z","Last_GnssDiff":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","Last_GnssDiffAlt":0,"Last_speed":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","Last_source":1,"ExtrapolatedPosition":false,**_"BearingDist_valid":true_**,"Bearing":63.815863409600276,"Distance":1.2317282764558565e+07}

[]( here it is renamed from .sqlite to .txt to access from windows

also seeing these same static values on type 1 targets (adsb) { "Icao_addr": 12615599, "Reg": "C-GWJE", "Tail": "eaC-GWJE", "Emitter_category": 0, "OnGround": false, "Addr_type": 0, **_"TargetType": 1,_** "SignalLevel": -27.09742730605482, "Squawk": 0,...

Reg and Tail values seem to always be the same {"Icao_addr":12594428,"Reg":"C-FRAX","Tail":"e C-FRAX","E..... I believe reg or tail is usually set to flight number on commercial flights, so could be an...

good to hear I think the other benefit is not having to be locked on watching the EFIS and also not having to estimate what traffic is a threat. Do...