
Results 159 comments of Corey

@jjunineuro great work! I have a few questions below: When refreshing: > curl -X POST \ -H "X-Parse-Application-Id: appid" \ -H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: restapi" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"client":"OBJECT_ID_FROM_USER",...

> Change the return to "expiresIn". What do you all think about `expiresAt` instead of `expiresIn`? I say this because Parse already uses `createdAt` and `updatedAt` and it looks like,...

> > > Change the return to "expiresIn". > > > > > > What do you all think about `expiresAt` instead of `expiresIn`? I say this because Parse already...

> I am also preparing the SDK template to respond to the use of OAuth. It will be something like: ParseSwift.initialize(applicationId: "xxxxxxxxxx", clientKey: "xxxxxxxxxx", serverURL: URL(string: "")!, liveQueryServerURL: URL(string: "")!,...

I added a client side implementation that you can use to test (it looks like you have a local server with your changes on it) here: Of course, this...

> That's right, "oauth" is defined on the server side. However, when it is true, it will no longer send the "sessionToken" as a response to Login / Signup. Yes,...

> @cbaker6 Thank you very much for your help, unfortunately I don't deal with the Swift language. I will prepare a public url to make it available for you to...

> Not sure about this. We'll likely run into trouble once there is another version of oauth coming along or someone wants to implement something else. If the SDK determines...

> That's what I suggested, see my comment. It looks like you added the link to your comment through an edit after I replied. It didn't show in your original...

@jjunineuro I'm testing out your oauth with ParseSwift. Here's what I see so far. Note that what I mention are not suggested changes, but things you will want to get...