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Hash rates drop a lot today.

Open neverknoww opened this issue 7 years ago • 30 comments

Today Im having issue with the hash rates. Dropped a lot compare to yday.

Pool Graph: Hash Rates:

Anyone having the same problem as me?

neverknoww avatar Dec 22 '17 10:12 neverknoww

try to restart of the process

patrickbau avatar Dec 22 '17 10:12 patrickbau

@patrickbau tried already, no luck. pm2 kill, pm2 delete .... etc still no luck. no ideas what is wrong but you can also see their pool hash rate ( also have some sort of shortage but no one confirm what is going on

how about you?

neverknoww avatar Dec 22 '17 11:12 neverknoww

comparing to coinhive YES

patrickbau avatar Dec 22 '17 11:12 patrickbau

@patrickbau still using coinhive? i saw you in telegram, not able to change the code yet?

neverknoww avatar Dec 22 '17 12:12 neverknoww

Yes i'm still using coinhive in different website About the code not yet but just i changed the port to 5555

patrickbau avatar Dec 22 '17 12:12 patrickbau

you have to restart every 2 days or so or the hash rates drop (at least for me). i drop from 14kH to 1kh (windows server). might not have this issue on linux idk

hitmanex avatar Dec 22 '17 13:12 hitmanex

@hitmanex ohhhh, interesting. I didnt know that. Usaually, right at this moment i should be hashing at 17k h/s but now it is 8.8k h/s. Are you also using the

neverknoww avatar Dec 22 '17 13:12 neverknoww

look at their pool hash rates, 100% there is problem

neverknoww avatar Dec 22 '17 17:12 neverknoww

@neverknoww yes im on supportxmr. always after a few days randomly kh drops

hitmanex avatar Dec 22 '17 18:12 hitmanex

I also confirm, always i need to restart when i see the hashing drops

patrickbau avatar Dec 22 '17 18:12 patrickbau

I also have the same problem, if you have many miners, use forever without logs, and run in multiple cores. Then create a crontab to restart every 6 hours.

And set maxMinersPerConnection to 50.

That way it gets more stable.

vphelipe avatar Dec 22 '17 18:12 vphelipe

@vphelipe Can you please tell me how to do this ?

patrickbau avatar Dec 22 '17 19:12 patrickbau

Yes. In path "/coin-hive-stratum/bin/" create file "cluster.js" and paste this code:

var cluster = require("cluster"); var numCPUs = require("os").cpus().length;

if (cluster.isMaster) { for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) { cluster.fork(); } cluster.on("exit", function(deadWorker, code, signal) { var worker = cluster.fork(); var newPID =; var oldPID =; }); } else { require("./coin-hive-stratum"); }

And exec forever without logs:

forever start -a -l /dev/null -o /dev/null -r /dev/null cluster.js

Now you need install crontab on your server, and exec:

crontab -e

Now you paste this line and save:

0 */6 * * * nvm use 6.9.2 && /usr/bin/forever restartall

If you continue having difficulties with your pool, I can recommend a pool that I created for web mining, with low difficulty:

vphelipe avatar Dec 22 '17 19:12 vphelipe

any guide for the digitalocean / pm2 ? currently i am using the pm2 to start the proxy_secure.js app

neverknoww avatar Dec 22 '17 19:12 neverknoww

I do not use pm2, for some reason using it does not work correctly, use forever.

vphelipe avatar Dec 22 '17 20:12 vphelipe

@vphelipe its all good, thanks for your info.

neverknoww avatar Dec 22 '17 20:12 neverknoww

just use a batch file and :start coin-hive-stratum then timeout /T 86400 then taskkill /F /IM node.exe :start. (this is ghetto but itll work)

hitmanex avatar Dec 23 '17 03:12 hitmanex

My hashrate also droped a lot about 10 hours ago, using too. Should be some problem with

letlet avatar Dec 23 '17 07:12 letlet

The problem is with that stratum and not with the pool. If you restart will work again.

The big problem with this code is that it only works with and still has these constant crashes. It breaks down and does not work until restarting.

With other pools it works only for a few minutes, then drops until it reaches zero.

Still deserves many improvements, due to these chronic problems, Now I'm using DeepMiner with a pool that I created for web mining (EliteXMR) and I'm not having these problems.

vphelipe avatar Dec 23 '17 11:12 vphelipe

@vphelipe you work with DeepMiner?

neverknoww avatar Dec 23 '17 11:12 neverknoww

@neverknoww I am part of the team, but DeepMiner is not recommended to use with, because after some time you can be banned by multiple connections. If you do not want to work with supportxmr, you can use DeepMiner in another pool of your choice.

vphelipe avatar Dec 23 '17 11:12 vphelipe


Pool Hash rates: My hash rates:

As you can see, there are huge fall at the end of the graph and then it couldn't climb back up. The two graphs, you can see it is proportional to each other. I don't see this is our problem. Its clearly have sort of problem and they are not to fix it. They capped our hash rates?

neverknoww avatar Dec 23 '17 21:12 neverknoww

I came across a pool that is supposed to be accepting of web miners with 100 diff:

I tried it for a bit, but have not switched over to it yet. The other web mining pools I've come across have yet to find any blocks.

adamdupuis avatar Dec 24 '17 18:12 adamdupuis


Sorry, but you're wrong. These falls in your hash rate are not normal. Here's how hash rate:

Pool Hash rates: My hash rates:

vphelipe avatar Dec 25 '17 17:12 vphelipe

@neverknoww Which port you are using ?

Worldand avatar Dec 25 '17 17:12 Worldand

@vphelipe but you cant explain why they have spikes and falls at random time? This is also depend on the pool you are using (geo-locations and pings). Also you are not using web miner right?

@Worldand Im using 3333

neverknoww avatar Dec 25 '17 19:12 neverknoww


My hash rate had no drop, it remained stable. With the supportxmr pool I use this stratum, just in my pool I use DeepMiner.

The big difference in my hash rate is because of the settings I've already cited.

vphelipe avatar Dec 25 '17 19:12 vphelipe

@vphelipe Yeah, really dont know what is causing the problem. If you read the first screenshots i posted, its quite obviously they are having some sort of network issues.

Btw what is your deep miner setting? throttle? threads?

neverknoww avatar Dec 25 '17 19:12 neverknoww

@neverknoww With supportxmr, I use cluster.js (multiple processes and automatic restart if one of the processes stops), forever without logs and crontab to restart automatically every 6 hours. That's why my hash rate is stable.

vphelipe avatar Dec 25 '17 20:12 vphelipe

@vphelipe Many thanks. I will give it a try

neverknoww avatar Dec 25 '17 20:12 neverknoww