ndnSIM-examples copied to clipboard
ndnSIM examples (http://ndnsim.net)
I'm trying to run ndn-simple-with-pit-operation-stats.cc example on ndnSIM 2.8 I'm looking for an updated version that works with the 2.8 version. Thanks in advance. /* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu";...
Problem in simulation using Visualizer: Visualizer module not build and PyViz visualizer not enabled
I have attached a screenshot of all the steps (from Compiling and Running ndnSIM) to simulating using ndnSIM using a visualizer. As you can see, on running the command ./waf...
Hi, I installed your fork of ns-3 and ndnSim as described in the `README.md`. I then copied the simple example (http://ndnsim.net/examples.html#simple-scenario) into the template project (`scenarios/`) and tried running it...