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⚛️ Web3 Native Modules for React Native.


Web3 Native Modules for React Native.

🚀 Getting Started

Using npm:

npm install --save web3-react-native

Using yarn:

yarn add web3-react-native

For versions less than React Native 0.60, be sure to execute react-native link to make the native library dependencies visible to your compiled application.


After installing, append the following lines to your app's ios/Podfile, then execute pod install:

# web3-react-native
pod 'secp256k1.c', '0.1.2', :modular_headers => true
pod 'web3swift', '2.2.1', :modular_headers => true

⚠️ This is an ugly workaround for existing definition constraints in the Podspec. (View Issue).


In your app's AndroidManifest.xml, you need to enable android:largeHeap under the <application> tag:

+   android:largeHeap="true"

Perform a rebuild of your compiled application by calling react-native run-android.

For usage details, please see the documentation.

✌️ License