quotly icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
quotly copied to clipboard

Web Social Quotes (Personal sandbox for experimentation)

Quotly'11 (meets CQRS)

Quotly is a social web application to manage collections of quotations. It is a personal sandbox for experimentation. It has been reimplemented several times using different frameworks and libraries. The current production version is available at http://quot.ly.

This incarnation of Quotly implements the CQRS pattern in Ruby, based on the experience of BankSimplistic.

Previous Versions

  • Quotes'07 -- The original one. A simple Rails 2.1 application to learn the language and the framework.
  • Quotes'08 -- A failed experiment. The constraint: Don't use any existing framework, be Rack compliant.
  • Quotly'10 -- Current version in production. Sinatra + Mustache + Redis. Tested with Steak.