
Results 64 comments of c+aue

from the commit history i would guess @MaxFour is still working sporadically on this, like before... but it's better wait until they answer it, or more time have passed without...

why kotlin? never heard of it before... once i've ported a rather complex "script" from lua into javascript (and called it basiux) and took me a freaking week or over...

probably same issue as mine #88 did you ever manage to find a fix?

*i'll never ever [use](https://cregox.net/delete) anything from samsung on purpose!* funny enough android 11 is indeed not showing this issue on my pixel 3... i wouldn't say it's "a problem with...

using [eon player](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=qijaz221.github.io.musicplayer) there was an interesting development... it could create a favourites list of its own, but any other playlist, created by it or outside, would bring an error...

@Daksh777 makes sense... and it's also refreshing to finally find a player that do that! [retro music](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=code.name.monkey.retromusic) (which you are part of, huh). but android 11 also enforces saf and...

big variant? i just want a shortcut for the scripts which isn't a widget... using "application shortcut" was only a suggestion. 😁

docker is way more complex than you might think. and i don't see any package for it on termux. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/7-cases-when-not-to-use-docker/ i would say to focus on other priorities first, unless...

this is indeed freaking awesome! much cooler than [the supposed original idea](http://ivanzuzak.info/2011/02/18/github-hosted-comments-for-github-hosted-blogs.html). :) missing: - the reactions - [owner] flag - self perma-hashtag-link in each comment - links to github...