batch_ping copied to clipboard
support multi ping
ICMP batch Ping library for Go, inspired by go-ping
Here is a very simple example :
package main
import (
func main() {
ipSlice := []string{}
// ip list should not more than 65535
ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "2400:da00:2::29") //support ipv6
ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
bp, err := ping.NewBatchPinger(ipSlice, false) // true will need to be root
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("new batch ping err %v", err)
bp.SetDebug(false) // debug == true will fmt debug log
bp.SetSource("") // if hava multi source ip, can use one isp
bp.OnFinish = func(stMap map[string]*ping.Statistics) {
for ip, st := range stMap {
log.Printf("\n--- %s ping statistics ---\n", st.Addr)
log.Printf("ip %s, %d packets transmitted, %d packets received, %v%% packet loss\n", ip,
st.PacketsSent, st.PacketsRecv, st.PacketLoss)
log.Printf("round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %v/%v/%v/%v\n",
st.MinRtt, st.AvgRtt, st.MaxRtt, st.StdDevRtt)
log.Printf("rtts is %v \n", st.Rtts)
err = bp.Run()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("run err %v \n", err)
It sends ICMP packet(s) and waits for a response. If it receives a response, it calls the "receive" callback. When it's finished, can call the "OnFinish" callback.
go get
Note on linux support :
On Mac, it can use unprivileged and privileged, but on Linux or docker, you should use privileged and have sudo permission.
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"
1, bind source ip
bp.SetSource("") // if hava multi isp ip, can use one
2, support ipv6
can support use ipv4 and ipv6 at the same time
3, support ping multi ip
NewBatchPinger can support multi ip ping
4, support two model
can use unprivileged mode , need not to be root
ping can support ping many ip, id is pid,but should notice modify udp.sendspace , udp.recvspace and raw.recvspace and so on.
fix same bug of, such as if the dst server use the iptable ban ping, go-ping will hang .