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Project status
Hi all,
I am still dealing with some ongoing health problems that have substantially delayed basically everything in my life, including work on this theme! That said, I wanted to give a little more context to the development note in the repository's readme file. Also, please continue to open issues for any problems you run into -- I do my best to fix them promptly.
I have completed most of the work on a new version of the theme that currently resides on the development branch. My primary goal with this revamp was to make it easier for people to fork, with clearer comments, better use of css variables, and a utilities folder that makes maintaining the palette easier (https://github.com/catppuccin/obsidian/tree/development/scss/utilities). There are also some visual tweaks and most of the outstanding feature requests are currently in the theme. Currently, the box shadows indicating a button is hovered or 'pressed in' have been removed. I thought they added some uniqueness to the theme, but they are fussy and sometimes break or are inconsistently applied. Right now, my plan is to keep them out of the basic theme and add them back in through Style Settings.
I believe the beta branch is usable in its current form (just get the theme.css file if you want to use it) and superior to the theme now, but I have not merged it to main because I feel responsible for the theme and don't want to break something, then not be able to fix it right away! I thought I would be in better shape by now, or at least out of this grey area, but the US healthcare system is what it is and an appointment I thought would happen in April was canceled on me at the last moment, unfortunately. So, I don't want to make any promises, but as soon as I am better, finishing up the theme rewrite will be my first stop! Thanks to you all, as always, for your patience and feedback.