timeline icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
timeline copied to clipboard

catnose's timeline


deploy on vercel


Personal website gathering my activities on the internet.


The feed are regularly updated by fetching data from specified sources: RSS feed or Google spreadsheet.


Create Google Spreadsheet

  1. Create a sheet.
  2. Set sheet header (first row in the sheet) exactly as follows.
date | title | action |	url | description | excluded | from_rss

Real world sheet example

Configure keys

This is required to access a sheet systematically.

  1. On GCP IAM console, create a service account.
  2. Generate a key for the service account with JSON format.
  3. Open the spreadsheet and paste service account mail([email protected]) on Collaboration settings.
  4. Create .env with the following contents on project root dir.
SHEET_ID='foo' # extracted from the sheet url.
GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL='bar' # [email protected]
GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY='baz' # copy "private_key" in json (downloaded on step.2)

Configure scheduled deployments

You can configure scheduled deployments via Github Actions easily. (See /.github/workflows)

To make actions work, save the following values in repository secrets.

  • ORG_ID

VERCEL_TOKEN can be generated on Vercel dashboard. PROJECT_ID and ORG_ID can be found in .vercel/project.json which is generated after running vercel command locally.


# install packages
$ npm install
# generate .items.json which has the feed sources.
$ npm run build:items
# start local server
$ npm run dev


I recommend you deploy on static website hosting services such as Vercel, Netlify or Cloudflare Pages. Note that build commands are configured properly.

# build commands
$ npm run build

To keep the feed fresh, you need to rebuild the app periodically.


MIT except for logo (/public/icon.*). Be sure to replace them when you fork this repo.