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Connectivity Widget: Filter partners by Annotation not working properly
When I use the filter (not the funnel logo of the widget, but the filter right above the connectivity table) for a specific annotation, only a few of the correctly annotated neurons show up.
Example: Filtering upstream partners of Putative HSS 3796481 PG with the annotation "putative LPTCIN" yields only one neuron (neuron 3753604) where in reality I should get 100+ neurons (most of which has only 1 node). Same happens with the upstream partners of other HS cells (Putative HSE 1088755 GA and Putative HSN 1088633 GA)
It doesn't seem to be related with the number of nodes. When I increase the node count of some of the false negatives, they still don't show upon filtering. When I filter for well traced neurons (4000+ nodes), it still shows the incomplete list. (Example: filtering upstream of Putative HSN 1088633 GA for "rLPTCIN" gives 3 neurons instead of 7)
Thanks for the bug report! When I follow your example I do get 101 upstream partners of Putative HSS 3796481 PG without any filtering and when I add a putative LPTCIN annotation filter to the upstream partners, 55 upstream partners remain listed. That's the same number I get when I do the annotation filtering in the Selection Table on the same set. So it seems the annotation filtering in the Connectivity Widget seems to work for me.
Do you maybe have another filter enabled (e.g. upstream confidence threshold or upstream count threshold)?
Today, this is also working for me without a problem after resetting all settings and restarting CATMAID. Yesterday it was somehow buggy even though I did the same.
I'll keep an eye on this and let you know if I encounter problems again.
There is one issue that I can observe reproducibly:
If I take a neuron upstream of Putative HSS 3796481 PG that has the "putative LPTCIN" annotation and de-annotate it. it still shows up in the connectivity list filtered by "putative LPTCIN" annotation. Resetting the filter or re-loading the connectivity widget doesn't solve the issue.
Perhaps there is a delay for this specific function to update the current list of annotations?
Thanks for this observation! I mitigated the problem you describe a little bit: if an annotation is changed somewhere in the front-end, all Connectivity Widgets now get notified about this change and their internal annotation map is updated. At the moment the table isn't updated automatically though and you would still need to press "Refresh" to see the actual update.
Thanks Tom!
Now it works properly when I refresh the cache (F6) and then reload the connectivity widget.
Using the annotation field in the connectivity widget on a most recent version of CATMAID (dev branch) does not seem to work. I tested it by adding an annotation (with F3) to one upstream skeleton for a test skeleton. Entering the annotation in the field does provide it as an option for autocomplete, but the table ist not updated. There are also no requests to the backend. Reloading CATMAID or clearing the cache did not work. Is there anything I am missing (since the issue is not closed)?