sys-ftpd copied to clipboard
Blackscreen after Nintendo Switch Logo on Mariko & Aula (OLED)
The above problem occurs on both Switch revisions (Switch Lite & OLED). At first I assumed it was due to the SD card (SanDisk), but it is the same under a Samsung card. Without sysFTP-Light in the system, both consoles boot through without any problems.
My system: AMS 1.4.0 with emuMMC on FW 15.0.0 previously AMS 1.3.2 with emuMMC on FW 14.1.2
It works fine on an OLED here.
Apart from me, this problem affects several other users that I know of. Interestingly, it does not seem to exist in general. But it only seems to affect consoles that have a modchip installed, even among Erista consoles (with Trinket M0 or SX Core).
Do you have any other sysmodules running on the system? If yes, does the system boot if you disable all sysmodules except sys-ftpd?
I have another sysModule in the system - the Tesla menu. However, I first suspected that the Tesla menu was causing this problem. Then I tested different constellations, only Tesla, only sysFTPD-Light and without the two sysMods. But only without both sysMods and the active Tesla menu did the systems boot properly. As soon as sysFTPD-Light comes into play, the system hangs after the switch logo, even if only the sysFTPD-Light sysMod is active.
But it only seems to affect consoles that have a modchip installed, even among Erista consoles (with Trinket M0 or SX Core).
I have a modchip of course, how else could I run atmosphere on a Switch OLED? Did this problem start on the latest firmware or also on 14.1.2?
The problem already existed under FW 14.1.2 and 14.1.1, i.e. since I owned an Aula (OLED) Switch. Interestingly, the problem has only existed under my Lite since FW 14.1.2 and currently under FW 15.0.0. However, I don't think it's due to the FW version, because about a year ago I was told by a forum member that all his consoles with a modchip (Erista, Mariko & Aula) had this problem. I couldn't understand this at the time because I didn't own a console with a modchip, only the first Erista revision with the RCM bug. Under that, everything ran and still runs smoothly.
Did you try different networks, network types and settings to eliminate that as the cause?
Do you have your SD card formatted as exFAT? It's known to cause random corruptions over time, so if you do, can you format it to FAT32 and check once more?
No, I have been using the FAT32 file system since the beginning, as it is generally known that exFAT is unsuitable and leads to data corruption.
I think I have found the cause of the problem!!
It is Atmosphére's dns_mitm! I use a special CFW package that I put together for my forum, which among other things works with dns_mitm set up to protect CFW users from being banned. I have removed the "default.txt" from atmosphere/hosts and now the system boots with activated sysFTP-light. However, I don't want to do without this protection under any circumstances and would rather use the FTP app instead, should no solution be found here.
I have to retract everything. Successfully booted twice, then the same problem as before.
I was initally going to suggest that your system may simply not have enough memory to run the entirety of sys-ftpd (a classic blackscreen on boot problem is running too many sysmodules at once), but I assumed your system was clean and found it hard to believe it wouldn't have enough memory to run it. Having a mitm service may have changed things, but seeing as it doesn't help brings me back to my confusion
Too many sysModules can hardly be the cause for me, as only 2 are installed. In addition, the system hangs during the boot process if only sysFTPD-light is activated as the only sysModule.
The fact that you had it working briefly by playing around with dns.mitm makes it seem like it's some kind of network setting, network issue or a problem with your cfw package and not a problem with sys-ftpd. It works for others.
It is not a problem with my CFW package, which is used under all possible switch revisions, by numerous users. As I already said before, everything runs flawlessly under Erista v1 (without modchip), with regard to sysFTPD-Light. The problem apparently does not occur with all switch revisions with modchip, but only in isolated cases. That's all I can say about it. It is always difficult to identify a problem when it occurs randomly. Incidentally, this issue report seems to be about the same problem:
I was getting black screens as well after the 15.0.0 update. No other sysmodules (completely brand new SDCard). I have a Trinket M0 installed but I can’t imagine how that would interfere. I do use dns:mitm. Removing sys-ftpd fixed my boot issue but I really depend on sys-ftpd for adhoc data transfers. :-(
Additional Data Points:
My 14.1.2 Mariko/HWFLY machine continues to have no issues running sys-ftpd.
My 14.1.2 Erista/Trinket M0 machine was fine until I upgraded to 15.0.0. I'm able to run ftpd pro 3.1.0 without any issues.
Just not able to have sys-ftpd running as a service even if I delete dns:mitm a/h/default.txt file.
(if you want me to open my own issue PLMK...just figured this was pretty darn close to the same issue.)
So…I formatted a new SDCard with nothing but Atmos 15.0.0, Hekate 5.9.0 and sys-ftpd-light…and everything works. At this point I’m pretty convinced there is something on my old card that’s somehow interfering with sys-ftpd-light so it’s something on my end. Sincere apologies for any concern caused. Will see if I can figure it out and possibly help others in the same situation.
So…I formatted a new SDCard with nothing but Atmos 15.0.0, Hekate 5.9.0 and sys-ftpd-light…and everything works. At this point I’m pretty convinced there is something on my old card that’s somehow interfering with sys-ftpd-light so it’s something on my end. Sincere apologies for any concern caused. Will see if I can figure it out and possibly help others in the same situation.
Just installed latest sys-ftpd-light and getting the blank screen.. regular switch V1 with Atmos 15. Did you figure out why? Maybe I'll also try with a new SD card.
guys this is not a support site, please go to discord or GBATemp.
Saying that you could test with a new SD put Hekate y Atmosphère and SYS-FtpD and test you will see everything goes fine.
so you need to check your card for corruption you also can use H2TestW to be sure you card is fine.
Same issues here first on my Kingstone 128gb then on my Samsung 512 gb. I can boot it from rmc loader once but when want to reboot it stucks on a black screen after tendo logo. Cards are perfectly fine and the problem disappears instantly when sys-ftpd-light is removed from sd.
V1 ams 1.4.0 firm 15.0.1
I can't confirm that, I have an erista with fw 15.0.1, atmos v1.4.0, with sys-ftpd-light and control it via the tesla menu. It always boots, always shuts down properly and I have no problems with restarts.
I can't confirm that, I have an erista with fw 15.0.1, atmos v1.4.0, with sys-ftpd-light and control it via the tesla menu. It always boots, always shuts down properly and I have no problems with restarts.
What hetkate version and what other hb/overlays do you use?
v6.0.1 with Nyx v1.5.1 It doesn't matter at this point, the fact is that sys-ftpd-light doesn't cause the switch to have problems booting/restarting/shutting down.
yes probably not by itself but it is causing black screens on reboots for sure thats why iam asking.