
Results 39 comments of DragonBillow

dllexport is not necessary for dynamic lib, cmake has [this](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS.html) to export all symbols. What I say is this case: ```cmakelists add_library(rmlui_lua STATIC rmlui_lua.cpp) add_library(rmlui SHARED core.cpp) target_link_library(rmlui PRIVATE rmlui_lua)...

> Investigate a more flexible approach to how dependencies are required by the project: While the technique @cathaysia proposed would be the ideal approach, that isn't possible on CMake due...

I close this due to it took too much time.

if you print something in macro, then this error will be raised.

If we have a function like [Qt's processEvents](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qcoreapplication.html#processEvents), then we can process events when parse file. It should be simplifer?

the supported languages are got from https://github.com/huacnlee/autocorrect/tree/main/autocorrect/grammar @huacnlee maybe know more details.

I have been thinking about the reconstruction of this project some time ago. Yesterday I thought that the entire project is essentially a crawler. I should refer to scrapy's architecture...

Yes, I plan to split vscode and openvsx's api into two separate crates. I have observed that openvsx has a swager definition file and am currently trying to use the...

the swagger schema of openvsx is here: https://open-vsx.org/v3/api-docs/default here are some resources maybe helpful: - https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen - https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator - https://open-vsx.org/swagger-ui/index.html here are the steps: . download openvsx schema file. ....

maybe we can write vscode marketplace api by openapi?