
Results 12 comments of Z.Liu

When I use NativeStorage to debug in desktop browser env, I find It's not initialized at first, so I use a interval to check whether it is attached to window...

a good solution is to use a global mixin like ```js Vue.mixin({ data() { return { loading: false } } }) ``` then `loading` is a reactive property and can...

That is what your application layer care about, not the storage layer. And ,users can fake their location data from some hack methods.

can we improve this with a typescript definition file?

I set the `FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA` env to `true`, but nothing changed. @yjbanov ``` $ flutter doctor Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v): [✓] Flutter (Channel dev, v1.13.0,...

对比过 taro 和 uni-app,无疑生态上 uni-app 是要好很多的。但是 uni-app 很多代码不开源,声称文档完善,实际上组织极其混乱,就是可劲儿堆。用 vue-cli 生成的项目和用 hbuilder 生成的 uni项目,用的编译器不一样,导致开始用的时候直接骂娘。hbuilder 简直难用到爆,build 时经常遇到匪夷所思的报错,各种命令菜单一看就是国产山寨厂商作风,绑定了 dcloudio 的各种服务。不过好在他的 ui 完善很多,api 也不错,比如直接集成的支付和登录这种demo,可以说节省了前期大量的时间,至少从现在来看,无人出其右。taro 用了一下,觉得还是要在组件跨端的支持上多下功夫。一句话总结就是,uni-app 是现在,但是 taro 或者其他是未来。最后,我不是深度 uni-app 和 taro 用户。



this problem still stands there in Sequelize V4.2.1 #5590