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RFE: Suggestion for commandline about client-mode
I open this thread for discuss only about the best option pass info in the commandline related to external tuners (aka SAT>IP client mode).
My first suggestion is based on this example:
-s dvbs2,4:,Y,Z;dvbt,2:
The problem with this sintax is the correlation about sat positions in the external servers and the minisatip. Then I suggest this other sintax:
-s dvbs2,4:1-2-3-4:,Y,Z;dvbt,2;1,2:;
As you can note this is:
"-s" : indicates an external list of servers For "each" server, between the ";" character, the description is:
< msys >,< number_of_tuners >:< frontend_mapping >:< ip_address >:< port >:< tweaks_modifiers >
And then each option is:
< msys > = dvbs2, dvbs, dvbt, dvbt2, dvbc, dvbc2, atsc, ...
< number_of_tuners > = integer number >=1
< frontend_mapping > = a description of a list with "-" as separator and "," for elments in the list. Then "1-2-3-4" indicates 4 different positions, the 1 in minisatip is 1 on external tuner; 2 in minisatip is 2 on external, etc. And "1,2" indicates only 1 position in minisatip mapping to positions 1 and 2 on external.
< ip_address >:< port > = the IP:PORT address of the server
< tweaks_modifiers > = as indicated, a list of uppercase characters with "," as separator indicating some special characteristics of the external tuner. As example: X="not use add,del pids"; Y="not use RTSP status messages"; Z="..."
Please, add your commets to this suggestion. :)
Regarding this, I have introduced in the latest commit a way of detecting the remote fe (adapter).
So basically if multiple -s are specified to the same destination (eg: -s -s the first adapter will use automatically remote fe=1, second remote fe=2).
Some ideas for "tweaks_modifiers"?
Let's see exactly what changes needs to be added in the client to make it compatible with as many devices as possible and then we can devide which is the best way forward.
Hi Catalin,
Related to your question...
At time, one of the best SAT>IP client implementations (in open source code) is the one in TVHeadEnd. Then see here the code of "tweaks" for different hardware servers:
As you can see, the general tweaks/modiffiers are:
- "Full Transport Stream support (pids=all)": YES/NO.
- "Max number of pids": X (0=unlimited)
- "Max pids list length (max characters)": X
- "Support for add/del pids": YES/NO (if no, allways use full list with "pids=")
- "Include (force) list of pids in SETUP command": YES/NO
- "Delay after frequency change": X miliseconds
And some other minor vars (Force pilot for DVB-S2 and pids21).
I hope you can include some of them when the client mode supports more servers. Thank your for your great effort!
Hi Lars,
do you still need some enhancement from this list ?
If someone likes to implement the idea if "tweaks_modifiers", then no.