faker.dart copied to clipboard
generate massive amounts of fake data in dart and flutter
generate massive amounts of fake data in Dart & Flutter
Faker.dart is a dart port of the famous faker.js package for the web and NodeJS
:hammer: Usage
faker.dart is split up into modules, where every module has a bunch of faker methods.
final faker = Faker.instance;
String randomName = faker.name.fullName(); // Rowan Nikolaus
String randomHex = faker.datatype.hexaDecimal(); // 0xF74451AB
faker.dart contains a super useful generator method Faker.fake
for combining faker API methods using a mustache string format.
print(faker.fake("{{name.lastName}}, {{name.firstName}} {{name.suffix}}"));
// outputs: "Marks, Dean Sr."
This will interpolate the format string with the value of methods name.lastName()
, name.firstName()
, and name.suffix()
supported faker methods
Module | Methods |
datatype | number, float, datetime, string, uuid, boolean, hexaDecimal, json, list |
name | fullName, firstName, lastName, middleName, findName, jobTitle, gender, prefix, suffix, title, jobDescriptor, jobArea, jobType |
image | image, loremPicsum, lorempixel |
address | zipCode, city, cityPrefix, citySuffix, cityName, streetName, streetSuffix, streetPrefix, streetAddress, secondaryAddress, county, country, countryCode, state, stateAbbr, latitude, longitude, direction, cardinalDirection, ordinalDirection, nearbyGPSCoordinate, timezone |
animal | type, animal, dog, cat, snake, bear, lion, catecean, horse, bird, cow, fish, corocodilia, insect, rabbit |
commerce | color, department, productName, price, productAdjective, productMaterial, product, productDescription |
company | companyName, companySuffix, catchPhrase, bs, catchPhraseAdjective, catchPhraseDescriptor, catchPhraseNoun, bsAdjective, bsBuzz, bsNoun |
database | column, type, collation, engine |
music | genre |
hacker | abbreviation, adjective, noun, verb, ingverb, phrase |
git | branch, commitEntry, commitMessage, commitSha, shortSha |
date | past, future, between, month, weekday |
phoneNumber | phoneNumber, phoneFormat |
lorem | word, sentence, paragraph, text |
internet | url, domainName, domainSuffix, httpMethod, ip, email |
:speech_balloon: Localization
faker.dart currently supports 54 Locales!!!
The default language locale is set to English. if your chosen locale doesn't support specific faker data, it will fall back to the English locale.
// sets locale to german
// set the locale to your custom Locale:
final FakerLocale locale = FakerLocale(...);
currently internally supported locales:
- az
- ar
- cz
- de
- de_AT
- de_CH
- en
- en_AU
- en_AU_ocker
- en_BORK
- en_CA
- en_GB
- en_IE
- en_IND
- en_US
- en_ZA
- es
- es_MX
- fa
- fi
- fr
- fr_CA
- fr_CH
- ge
- hy
- hr
- id_ID
- it
- ja
- ko
- nb_NO
- ne
- nl
- nl_BE
- pl
- pt_BR
- pt_PT
- ro
- ru
- sk
- sv
- tr
- uk
- vi
- zh_CN
- zh_TW
:grey_question: what's up next
this package is still in active development. modules are still being added:
- finance
- system
- vehicle
- word
:wave: Get Involved
If this package is useful to you please :thumbsup: on pub.dev and :star: on Github. If you have any Issues, recommendations or pull requests I'd love to see them!