Rafa Castelblanque
Rafa Castelblanque
**Summary** Some requests (e.g. `core.packages.v1alpha1.PackagesService.GetAvailablePackageSummaries`) are slow when using `pinniped-proxy`. Investigate and improve those times. **Description** After work done for #5362 and #4919, response times have improved due to not...
**Summary** New package repository API endpoint to provide a summary of user's permission on repositories CRDs **Background and rationale** Currently UI is making multiple 'canI' calls to retrieve which permissions...
**Summary** Rename global repositories as cluster-wide repositories **Background and rationale** Currently, repositories which are applicable to all namespaces are called "global" repositories. Specially for multicluster with Kapp/Flux, it could be...
**Summary** Add the basics to introduce multiclustering logic in Kubeapps. It might need to be added into KubeappsAPIs through a separate plugin. **Background and rationale** After the multicluster discussion, and...
**Summary** Introduce a new setup for installing Kubeapps in which Kubeapps APIs can act as a proxy for all incoming requests to another Kubeapps APIs. **Background and rationale** As decided...
**Description** Chart values and Readme file contain a parameter that is not used in any place: `allowNamespaceDiscovery`. Please check [this repo search](https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/kubeapps/search?q=allowNamespaceDiscovery). This could be misleading and frustrating for end...
**Describe the issue** When using an empty POJO (class without fields), `JsonMessageConverter` converts it to null instead of a representation of an empty JSON (`{}`). **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce...