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                      J e n a    G r a n d e

Jena Grande is a collection of utilities, experiments and examples on how to use MapReduce, Pig, HBase or Giraph to process data in RDF format.

RDF data model is a labelled directed multigraph. URIs are used to give globally unique names to nodes and labelled links (a.k.a. properties in the RDF lingo). A destination node (a.k.a. an object in an RDF statement) can be an attribute value (a.k.a. literal). Nodes can also be unnamed (a.k.a. blank nodes).

Apache Jena is a Java library, currently in incubation, which can help you parsing, storing and querying RDF data.

This is to be considered experimental and work in progress. If you want to share your experience on processing RDF data with any of the Hadoop ecosystem's projects, please, do fork this and send your pull requests.

If the graph you need to process isn't RDF, some of the tricks shared here might be useful to you for other type of graphs.


This is how to get Apache Giraph and install it in your Maven local repo:

svn co apache-giraph
cd apache-giraph
mvn -P hadoop_cdh4.1.2 install (see GIRAPH-418)


Have fun!

-- Paolo