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A collection of ready to use, small and self contained examples on how to use Apache Jena
Apache Jena - Examples
This is a collection of small and simple examples on how to use Apache Jena to handle RDF data.
How examples are organised
Examples are grouped by name: and are progressively numbered from the simplest to the slightly more advanced ones.
A good learning path is to start from the which show how to use Apache Jena to read (i.e. parse) or write (i.e. serialize) RDF data in various format. Apache Jena supports RDF/XML, N3, Turtle, N-Triples, etc. RIOT is a new parsing subsystem for Jena, if you are interested you can look at the files.
The examples named show how to use the Jena Model APIs to create or manipulate RDF data.
SPARQL is the query language used for data in RDF stores and ARQ is the query engine included in Jena. The examples named show how to run SPARQL queries and iterate through the results. An extension for ARQ to run free text searches is called LARQ (i.e. Lucene + ARQ), if you are interested, you can look at files.
TDB is the native store included in Apache Jena. The examples named files show how to load data into TDB and run SPARQL queries.
If you are interested in ontologies and inference look at and
The only requirements are a Java JDK 1.8 and Apache Maven.
Instructions on how to install Maven are here:
If you use Eclipse, it is recommended to set M2_REPO in Eclipse (once):
mvn -Declipse.workspace=/path/to/your/workspace eclipse:add-maven-repo
Once you have Maven installed, verify with:
mvn -version
Then run (once) this to download all the necessary dependencies:
cd jena-example mvn package
You can import the project in Eclipse via File > Import... > Existing Projects into Workspace
You can run mvn eclipse:eclipse to re-generate Eclipse .project and .classpath files automatically from your pom.xml file.
You can run mvn dependency:copy-dependencies to copy all the *.jar files in the target/dependency/ directory.
You can run mvn dependency:tree to visualize a tree of all the dependency and understand which jar is required by other jar files.
Have fun!