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Competency and Skills System
Competency and Skills Service -- Competency Management
Release Candidate: 1.5.60
Supported: 1.4
Supported: 1.3
Supported: 1.2
High level documentation
Developer documentation
Purpose of this Document
This document is intended to act as a technical guide to the installation of CaSS.
This installation of CaSS will provide several components that operate to provide a working system. It is composed of:
- The CaSS Repository, a Java application that runs in a Servlet Container, such as Tomcat.
- The CaSS Library, a Javascript library that provides an interoperability layer between web applications and the CaSS Repository.
- CaSS Embeddable Apps, a set of iframeable applications for branded web applications.
- CaSS Adapters, an adapter that interprets xAPI statements and asserts competence, and an adapter that synchronizes competencies and frameworks to and from Moodle.
CaSS Libraries
From GitHub
Ubuntu/Fedora Linux:
chmod +x
sudo ./
During the installation, you will be asked to select a version to install. Versions are listed at the top of this document.
Docker images for standalone instances (based on Ubuntu) and distributed/scalable instances (based on Alpine Linux) can be found at:
Post Installation
To support open linked data, it is important that the objects created in CaSS have public, reliable URLs. For this:
- Assign this server a domain name.
- Enable HTTPS.
- (Optional) Use a reverse proxy to control the endpoint closely.
Running Locally
After cloning this repository (ensure you use git clone with --recurse-submodules!), you can run CaSS locally.
Dependencies: Docker (will pull and run elasticsearch on port 9200)
Getting things up and running
git clone --recurse-submodules -b <branch>
- Get the code. -
npm i
- Install dependencies. -
npm run dev
- Starts server, restarts server on-save.
In a separate command line, if you want unit tests:
npm run automocha
- Runs both cass-npm and cass unit tests, runs them again on-save. -
npm run automochafast
- Runs cass unit tests, runs them again on-save. -
npm run mocha
- Runs cass-npm and cass unit tests. -
npm run mochafast
- Runs cass unit tests.
Generating documentation
Will be deposited in /docs
npm run docs
Running in myriad environments (requires Docker)
Where flavors are: ubuntu16, ubuntu18, ubuntu20, ubuntu18:13to15, standaloneWindows, standalone, testReplication
npm run buildRun:<flavor>
- Wipes previous test container, builds and starts flavor container. -
npm run buildRun:kill
- Stops the running container.
Running it like it's in prod
npm run run:cassbase
- Starts PM2 on localhost:8080/cass (used by -
npm run run:standalone
- Starts PM2 on localhost/ (used by Docker installs) -
npm run run
- Starts PM2 on localhost:8080/ -
npm run logs
- Tails logs. -
npm run stop
- Stops all PM2 services.
To get the process to restart when your linux machine restarts, run npm run pm2startup
, run the command the process tells you to, and run npm run pm2save
. For Windows, an additional library is needed to configure this.
A note on Elasticsearch and 1.5
Due to the performance improvements in the 1.5 version of CaSS, we highly recommend using Elasticsearch 7 with it as it's better configured to handle the load than previous versions.
Release Process
npm upgrade --save
Review dependencies, autocomplete version numbers - Increment version number in package.json and src/main/swagger.json and docker-compose*.yml
- Increment elasticsearch version number (in Dockerfile and docker-compose) to latest minor/revision in docker/standalone/DockerFile (
- Update src/main/webapp to point at the appropriate gh-pages commit.
npm install
npm run testWithCoverage
- In another command window,
npm run test:mocha
- Must not fail any tests. - In another command window,
npm run openapi:validate
- Must not fail any tests. - In the command window running testWithCoverage,
. Record the output of the code coverage for the tests in - Update
- Update
- Run
npm run buildRun:standaloneTest
to ensure the container can build. -
docker scout cves cass-test > scan-standalone.txt
- Use Docker Desktop or the previous output to resolve any high or medium priority (6.0 CVSS and above) issues.
- In another command window,
npm run test:mocha
- Must not fail any tests. - Run
docker-compose up --build
to ensure the container can build. -
docker scout cves cass-cass > scan-node.txt
- Use Docker Desktop or the previous output to resolve any high or medium priority (6.0 CVSS and above) issues.
- In another command window,
npm run test:mocha
- Must not fail any tests. - Commit with release notes.
- Tag commit with version number.
FIPS is supported both client-side and server-side in CaSS. Here is the relevant compatibility table.
--> Server --> | < 1.5.35 | >= 1.5.35 with OpenSSL 3.0.8 and --force-fips |
>= 1.5.35 with OpenSSL 3.0.8 and --force-fips and env REJECT_SHA1=true |
Client/Library | |||
< 1.5.35 | SHA-1 (no FIPS) | SHA-1 (Verify only) | Incompatible |
< 1.5.35 and OpenSSL 3.0.8 and env FIPS=true |
SHA-1 (partial FIPS) | SHA-1 (Verify only) | Incompatible |
>= 1.5.35 | SHA-1 (no FIPS) | SHA-1 (Verify only*), SHA-256 (FIPS) | SHA-256 (FIPS) |
>= 1.5.35 and env FIPS=true |
SHA-1 (partial FIPS) | SHA-1 (Verify only*), SHA-256 (FIPS) | SHA-256 (FIPS) |
>= 1.5.35 and --force-fips |
Incompatible | SHA-256 (FIPS) | SHA-256 (FIPS) |
To get FIPS, it is recommended to use the docker container builds.
Partial FIPS means that we are still violating FIPS by using SHA-1 hashing. All other cryptographic operations are using the FIPS module.
Verify only uses the exception that permits SHA-1 verification but not generation.
Verify only* may fall back to SHA-1 verification if SHA-256 negotiation failed, but typically will not use SHA-1.