VL53L0X_rasp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
VL53L0X_rasp copied to clipboard

VL53L0X Api port for Raspberry Pi

VL53L0X on Raspberry Pi

This project helps to build and use the VL53L0X API (provided by ST Microelectronics) on Raspberry Pi.


  • Download the sources of the api on the ST Microelectronics, they are not provided in this repo (I didn't read their license yet, I do not want get in trouble by distributing their code). http://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/embedded-software/proximity-sensors-software/stsw-img005.html

  • Extract the API source code somewhere on your computer.

  • You will only need the Api subfolder and its content. The makefile expects the folder structure to be:



  • If your are cross compiling on another platform, follow "INSTALL THE TOOLCHAIN" before attempting to compile here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/linux/kernel/building.md

  • To compile the lib directly on your raspberry pi:

API_DIR=path/to/the/api/dir make
  • If you are cross compiling it would be:
API_DIR=path/to/the/api/dir CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make
  • Next, compile the example programs. Again, on a raspberry pi:
API_DIR=path/to/the/api/dir make examples
  • If you cross compile:
API_DIR=path/to/the/api/dir CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make examples
  • If you did cross compile, copy the examples programs from the bin folder to your Raspberry Pi. Otherwise just navigate to the bin folder on your raspberry pi and execute:


  • run the one of the example programs and enjoy!

Note : I know there are kernel driver sources in the API sources, I don't want to use it because it is easier to compil/debug/test/install... a userspace program than a kernel module (high perf is not necessary here).

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