You may add ‘--use_alpha’ and '--use_feature' for different colors. In my experiment, the default setting is enough to change the color from yellow to green. But you can also add...
@sanghyeok-son Thanks for your interest. I have uploaded the code concerning the flower and excavator appearance editing in this repo. Moreover, I just start cleaning up my poorly written codes....
@shivamjain0103 Thanks you for your interest. I plan to start releasing codes in April once I have finished cleaning up my first project ( It won't be long.
The same problem: rgb_exp_tmp, t_exp_tmp = rgb_exp_fine.detach().numpy(), t_exp_fine.detach().numpy() RuntimeError: Wrong inputs arguments, Please refer to examples(help(jt.numpy)). Types of your inputs are: self = Var, args = (), The function declarations...
I successfully fit a single cat by removing the mapping and StyleGAN backnone.
You should change the number of sampled rays to patch-size * patch-size.
I also allow more layers to be optimized , but use a larger patch size (sample_scale=60).
@StelaBou I fix a small bug in the "forward_test" function. Besides, I attached a small demo for you to check results (Not the final version of our work. And I...
@lubovbyc It seems the optimization collapsed. I'm not sure. Have you tried other losses, such as the PDC loss, VDC loss ? You may combine all losses or try another...
@lubovbyc Thanks for your sharing. I will check it immediately after the Sig Asia submission. Thanks for your patience.