i am also getting same issue
To add more content, I have attached a profiler screenshot where the Remmiror portal changes every time I type (ref: rect_profile.png) and in chrome dev performance, there is a keypress...
little explanation [edit_freeze.webm](
@IdrissMahjoubi Fully agree!! and thanks for the quick reply. I will test by removing EntityReferenceExtension and check again and let you know my finding. Also will debug more and will...
having same issue, ``` "react-dnd": "13.0.1", "react-dnd-html5-backend": "12.1.1", ``` changing to this version works
I am also facing same issue npm -v 5.0.0 node -v v8.0.0 window 10 npm install printer --msvs_version=2017 > [email protected] install E:\code\pro\test\posrestro\app\node_modules\printer > node-gyp rebuild E:\code\pro\test\posrestro\app\node_modules\printer>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node...