Hey @nautilus28 any news about your issue? I am trying to make this work as well and I wouldn't mind some help if you succeeded to make it work in...
I found that I can use: ``` dev.new() ``` between 2 plot to open a new window.
Of course. I am good with the dev.new() technique for now. I have been using Vim-R-plugin for few days and it is awesome. Thanks.
+1 even when I update to rvm1-capistrano3 (= 1.2.2) I still get the: rvm1scripts/rvm-auto.sh: No such file or directory error
Ho yes you are totally right. I'm in a transition phase where I try of migrate the application to having all the asset served statically but it is not the...
I did not set the config.serve_static_assets in my development environment so it has the default value. The %3F that you noticed is strange. I did have a problem with saving...
Maybe you can solve my problem in a different way. What I want at the end is process the video asynchronously. I'm using gem 'paperclip-av-transcoder', "0.6.2" for my video processing....
Nice! thanks it works