all cryptocurrencies are self made . everyone knows 99% of crypto is worthless . please don't repeat self-evident things and treat developers with respect . this is not crypto forum...
to all bystanders or random witnesses of this unpleasant discussion : please don't let this troll cast a bad impression on the 0net people (unfortunately can't call it community ,...
(see for discussion of this in relation to conservancy fork)
this has been resolved in all major forks , zeronet-enhanced, ZeroNetX and zeronet-conservancy . those users who hesitate to upgrade to a full-on fork are still recommended to use
ZeroNet is no longer developed . i suggest using fork . if you follow install instructions there , this error shouldn't occur as `gevent` is included in `requirements.txt`
@WiteTigr1 wouldn't say it's too bad : ZeroNet under @nofish's direction had long-standing unresolved issues , multiple security vulnerabilities that didn't get fixed promptly upon discovery and ultimately stagnated long...
there are a few forks around . as its maintainer , i recommend for the time being it's pretty much a consensus on the network that @nofish is gone...
@Ornataweaver sorry i shouldn't have used `@nofish` here since that's their handle on the 0net , not on github . here it's either @HelloZeroNet or @shortcutme
see or for less biased description of available forks
see the proposed solution [here](