imgpkg copied to clipboard
imgpkg shouldn't error when no command is given
What steps did you take:
Ran imgpkg
What happened: I got an error:
imgpkg: Error: Use one of available subcommands: completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell], copy, describe, help [command], pull, push, tag, version
What did you expect:
To see the help text like in imgpkg --help
Anything else you would like to add:
This seems like a standard CLI behavior, sed
, grep
, kubectl
, most CLIs that don't have a useful argument-less behavior just print help
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Hey! I was going through this issue and the imgpkg cli in general for the past days.
Why failing ?
I went through the code base and realised this is due to the classic fallback mechanism of cobra which happens when you provide no arguments to the cli, but it is failing here due to the wrapper cobracli written and added upon cobra.
Where in codebase ? You can try this by commenting out all the cobrautil commands after the above given link and running ./imgpkg by default.
Reasons ?
Cobrautils make change to the cmd context given to cobra and thus the fallback fails. For example : I commented out all the cobrautils, except this one initial command on line 61 to check the issue and yes, it did not fall back to regular fallback : I then dived the wholecodebase and also how the cobrautil and cobra was working and found that basically : cobra util checks for cmd.RunE which is a field of a cobra.Command instance. It represents the function that gets executed when the command is run. And cobrautil was giving it a func value, hence the inability of cobra to fallback. ShowSubcommands function is used as the default execution function as shown here.
As you can see the diff, when I print the cmd context. The
- What is the significance of ShowSubcommands ? As far as I understood, it's made as a fallback for cases when no commands are associated with cobra. I think the author might have considered that the default fallback was also associated with a cmd type, and weird empty cases will get redirected to ShowSubcommands. Although I am not sure. I would be glad if @cppforlife provide some info.
Possible fix
- We can make the default fallback as default by removing the parts where custom function invocations are added when there are none.
- If we don't want to mess with the imported library (cobrautils), we can always make a custom check before the entry point of cobrautils package and redirect it. Although not the best way, but it definitely works.
Although the fix is in sight, I am not opening a PR with a fix as I would love to get inputs on which way should I proceed. Thanks..!!
Hi @ashpect! Thanks for looking into this ❤️ The cobrautil library has a ShowHelp function which can be used with the root command (like this) to get the desired result.
Oh.Great..!! I checked it by changing
if cmd.RunE == nil {
cmd.RunE = ShowSubcommands
if cmd.RunE == nil {
cmd.RunE = ShowHelp
and as expected, instead of populating it with Showsubcommands function when it's empty, it populates with Showhelp. 🥳 .
The best fix would be in cobrautils here :
But ofc, I can't change the vendors, they'll get overwritten. So, I am writing a check here, just before cobrautils.VisitCommands is called.
Upon realisation that RunE is always initialised to nil, no need of a check, we can directly initialise RunE to cobrautil.showcommands. Fixed it and opened a PR
Fixed and will be released with version v0.38.0