Daniel Ching
Daniel Ching
Two dimensional diagnostic contours which represent an acquitision/reconstruction method's ability to represent a phantom at varying contrast and levels of detail.
[OpenGL style](https://open.gl/transformations) transformations may make, maintenance and interfaces simpler because `Entities` would no longer have three separate functions for `rotate`, `translate`, and `scale`. Additionally, converting between scanning paradigms where the...
It may be cool to have an option of exporting an experiment to a [DXfile](https://github.com/data-exchange/dxchange), so that the output is in a format that one would actually get from a...
Here's my idea: XDesign has default values for plotting which are described as constants and it also will have default units which are cgs-ish. I think it would be helpful...
Tie all the unitless units to real world units. Add an Element superclass of features such that beam energies and real materials can be created which generate appropriate attenuations.
- Convolution of the phantom with a PSF (input or generated with symmetric or asymmetric Gaussians) to take into account the spatial resolution of an instrument - effect of a...
## Purpose ## Approach ## Pre-Merge Checklists ### Submitter - [ ] Write a helpfully descriptive pull request title. - [ ] Organize changes into logically grouped commits with descriptive...
## Purpose - [x] Update documentation to include container releases - [x] Update container release workflow to build tike using pip? ( cannot build a container release from conda release...
## Purpose ## Approach ## Pre-Merge Checklists ### Submitter - [ ] Write a helpfully descriptive pull request title. - [ ] Organize changes into logically grouped commits with descriptive...