eslint-plugin-rxjs copied to clipboard
ESLint v9 support
ESLint v9 has been released recently. This plugin has a peer dependency to ESLint ^8.0.0 and causes peer dependency conflicts with ESLint v9.
Also ESLint v9 requires the new flat config which this plugin doesn't support yet.
I got the plugin working in flat config format using ESLint v8, with the following config:
import rxjs from 'eslint-plugin-rxjs';
export default [
files: ['**/*.ts'],
plugins: { rxjs },
rules: { ...rxjs.configs.recommended.rules },
For configuring TypeScript ESLint in flat config, see their docs.
It didn't work for me, I had to do the following changes to my flat config file:
import { fixupPluginRules } from "@eslint/compat";
import eslint from "@eslint/js";
import prettier from "eslint-plugin-prettier/recommended";
import rxjs from "eslint-plugin-rxjs";
import tseslint from "typescript-eslint";
export default tseslint.config(
plugins: { rxjs: fixupPluginRules(rxjs) },
rules: {
"rxjs/no-async-subscribe": "warn",
"rxjs/no-ignored-observable": "warn",
"rxjs/no-ignored-subscription": "warn",
"rxjs/no-unbound-methods": "warn",
"rxjs/throw-error": "warn",
I started to investigate the issue (I'm not related to the project), I think we should get rid-off the dependency called @typescript-eslint/experimental-utils
in favor of its official version called @typescript-eslint/utils
I did a first PR to patch eslint-etc. Once merged and rolled out I can open a similar one on eslint-plugin-rxjs to do the same (and maybe others).
Hello there! Any chances to see this plugin upgraded to support ESLint 9 in the next few weeks?
Support for ESLint v8 ends in two months, so it would be great to get this resolved soon.
Can this now be considered abandonware?
We get this error when updating to ESLint 9.
Error: You have attempted to use a lint rule which requires the full TypeScript type-checker to be available, but you do not have `parserOptions.project` configured to point at your project tsconfig.json files in the relevant TypeScript file "overrides" block of your project ESLint config `src/.eslintrc.json`
We use typed rules and have parserOptions.project set properly. Commenting out rxjs/recommended usage, all linting work again.
Look like it's really dead. Will have to remove it from our projects.