Carter Anderson

Results 281 comments of Carter Anderson

I think the categories are maybe a bit too specific / noisy now. I think we can get away with less bucketing (especially given that some things belong to multiple...

Yeah I think we should leave it up to editors to pick what shows up by default (to account for volume and quality). But if people manually submit stuff, I...

Added a disclaimer to the #showcase channel description, so anything past this point is fair game :)

Anyone interested in driving this forward? Doing this soon-ish might be a good way to ensure people we're still alive while we wait for 0.6.

I'm open to alternative licenses. Most of the "zero attribution or restriction" licenses im aware of are pretty niche. Might be worth looking in to what licenses are popular for...

I think it's worth calling out what our policy is on "competing implementations". Are we going to allow merging 3 different competing unstable skeletal animation systems? What if they conflict...

Another quick thought: as this is pitched as a way to resolve "scaling issues" and it does come with a number of tradeoffs (which are already called out), we should...

This has some overlap with my pipelined rendering experiments: * I have a Game World and a Render World * I have a Game Schedule and a Render Schedule *...

I'm definitely not advocating for SubApps as the solution at this point. Just sharing where my head is at / what my requirements currently are.

Agreed. I think we'll want "multiple ECS schedules" and "multiple worlds" with the ability to pass an arbitrary number of worlds into a given schedule. I think "multiple apps" currently...