hi Jakob, In your other issue Ingo sent you an email. Were you able to resolve your issue or is this still a problem? We have had a limited set...
I agree it would be useful to have an API interface for accessing the allocated data storage. We'll discuss this internally and see about whether we want to add this...
I asked jakob to submit a github issue for his question on google groups. We'll keep this post updated with any progress, and hopefully any other users that are interested...
Sorry you seem to have run into so many issues with our changes in OSPRay 2, thank you for posting these. It sounds like the macrocells used for empty space...
I am actually working on a prototype lightmapper using OSPRay, but this is currently strictly exploratory and not expected to be publicly released anytime soon if at all. Johannes suggestion...
that sounds great and I'd love to hear how it progresses. I'll try to remember to post to this issue if and when anything is released on our end. It's...
hi, yes unfortunately this is a known issue with shading normals at grazing angles. @johguenther ?
hi Stas, volume density is not a function of world space coordinates. You can achieve this by altering the density scale on the volumetric model.
Johannes, in ParaView this is handled by altering the scalarOpacityUnitDistance variable on the volume, which by default scales with volume size. In paraviewOSPRay we handle this by altering the density...
hi Herwig, This is likely a bug with depth compositing that cropped up with a jump to the latest OSPRay version. That specific problem has been fixed in vtk master....