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Type-safe routing in SwiftUI
Typesafe routing for SwiftUI.
Note: This package is still being designed, so the API may change, and the example below may not match the current API 100%.
First, declare your routes in an enum:
enum AppRoutes: Routes {
case orders
case search(query: String, category: SearchCategory) // You can include Codable types
case orderDetails(orderId: Int, OrderRoutes?) // and subroutes
static let defaultRoute: Self = .orders // Set a default Route
enum OrderRoutes: Routes {
case overview
case bill
static let defaultRoute: Self = .overview
enum SearchCategory: Int, Codable {
case breakfast, lunch, dinner
Then use the Router
and Route
Views to allow for navigation:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Router(AppRoutes.self) {
Route(AppRoutes.orders) { OrdersView() }
Route( { route in
if case let .search(query, category) = route { SearchView(query, category) }
// Omit any associated values from the Route definition, and access them from the closure.
Route(AppRoutes.orderDetails) { route in
if case let .orderDetails(orderId, _) = route {
// Declare sub-Routers for deeper navigation.
Router(OrderRoutes.self) {
Route(OrderRoutes.overview) { OrderOverview(orderId) }
Route(OrderRoutes.bill) { OrderBill(orderId) }
Then provide RouterLinks
to navigate to your new Routes
struct OrdersView: View {
var body: some View {
List(DataSource.orders) {
RouterLink($, destination: AppRoutes.orderDetails(orderId: $, .overview))
You can also navigate using a String
(not yet implemented):
struct MyApp: App {
@Router var navigator
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup("MyApp") {
.onOpenURL {
if let path = $0.path {
navigator.navigate(to: path)