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Desktop app beta testing
I have published the ~~first~~ ~~second~~ third beta build for a desktop app of elasticvue. Please use this issue to report any problems, especially on mac and windows.
Known issues
- the builds are not signed yet so you might get some security warnings from your os during installation
- the app does not scale correctly when changing the display resolution scaling with xrandrs
- build for apple silicon / m1 / arm: you have to run
xattr -cr elasticvue.app
after installation to make it work - copy/paste does not work
- backup import does not work
- windows defender reports a trojan for the .msi installer, see this
- the page does not reload automatically after importing a backup. You have to manually right click -> reload
Hi, I have downloaded beta2 version: elasticvue_0.40.1_macos_aarch64 but it is not working for me, it is Apple M1 Pro:
Hey, thanks for testing! I don't own a mac and can't test this on my own. Are you able to compile elasticvue locally to test if this resolves the issue (rust and tauri required)?
We can try, could you please provide instructions on how to build? in the readme is yarn install, but this is not working in the branch elasticvue-desktop-v0.40.1.
I have xcode, rustc 1.61.0, sources from git - tag elasticvue-desktop-v0.40.1
What is the next step? I can try to build it locally, but I need more steps on how to do it, thanks a lot.
Please try the following steps:
- check node version, use node 16 if possible
- switch branch
git checkout tauri
- install yarn dependencies without optionals
yarn install --ignore-optional
- try to build tauri
yarn tauri build
I'm dealing with it, during yarn tauri build
I got the error about tauri is unknown command, so I have install it using yarn add tauri
, but I got another issue about the compilation, vips, so found some guide https://github.com/nuxt/image/issues/204 and now the yarn tauri build
I'm not familiar with yarn, npm, tauri so again I don't know what is the next :-(
Are you sure you are using the correct git branch in elasticvue? yarn tauri build
should be available :) please make sure that you did git checkout tauri
after cloning elasticvue
yes I'm on the tauri branch, as you can see in the commandline, the green tauri means git branch :-)
I tried to run the 'yarn delete tauri' and then 'yarn tauri build' works :-)
So there is dmg file (cannot upload it directly so it is part of zip): elasticvue_0.40.1_aarch64.dmg.zip
That build seems broken, too (M1 Max, macOS 12.4). 😞
That build seems broken, too (M1 Max, macOS 12.4). disappointed
bummer, thanks for trying! I was hoping that tauri 1.0 automagically fixes the issue. I will look into it. In the meantime you can probably use the build made by @nofak
In the meantime you can probably use the build made by @nofak
That's the build I meant… it's broken, too. So I tried to build, and ran into
$ yarn tauri build
yarn run v1.22.19
error Command "tauri" not found.
So I did run yarn upgrade
and then magically it kind of worked:
$ yarn tauri build
yarn run v1.22.19
$ /Users/karsten/Projects/elasticvue/node_modules/.bin/tauri build
Running beforeBuildCommand `npx cross-env VUE_APP_DESKTOP_BUILD=true yarn build`
$ rm -rf dist && vue-cli-service build
⠋ Building for production...
Deprecation Warning: Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
// TONS of such notices
File Size Gzipped
dist/assets/js/chunk-vendors.2bdb13e3.js 939.85 KiB 284.86 KiB
dist/assets/js/app.e5d78626.js 248.65 KiB 63.00 KiB
dist/assets/js/FilterWorker.01862603.worker.js 28.11 KiB 10.27 KiB
dist/assets/css/chunk-vendors.6158664e.css 700.01 KiB 97.33 KiB
dist/assets/css/app.95387835.css 8.19 KiB 2.37 KiB
Images and other types of assets omitted.
DONE Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.
INFO Check out deployment instructions at https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html
Error running CLI: failed to build app: No such file or directory (os error 2)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
$ node -v
$ yarn -v
$ yarn tauri --version
yarn run v1.22.19
$ /Users/karsten/Projects/elasticvue/node_modules/.bin/tauri --version
yarn-run-tauri 1.0.0
✨ Done in 0.20s.
Weird, I have added a yarn tauri:build
command that should work. Do you have rust installed and tauri setup? Without these you will not be able to build the desktop app.
Ah, right! brew install rust
and yarn add -D @tauri-apps/cli
did help. I would have thought the latter is already part of the setup… Still no success:
error: package 'app v0.1.0 (/Users/karsten/Projects/elasticvue/src-tauri)' cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.60 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.59.0
So I did brew uninstall rust
and curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
(😨) and it worked.
Two observations:
- You cannot import settings until you have connected to a cluster (the main menu is not available before that.)
- Then you can use the import, but it doesn't do anything - no saved clusters are available afterwards, even though there is no error message.
Hey, thanks for testing!
- This is not a bug (planned for a future release)
- Do the clusters show up if you restart the app?
Nope, even after a restart the clusters don't show up.
Alright, thanks! Does file access work at all on mac? Can you download a backup (or a search/rest result)?
Yes, downloading a settings backup works fine.
Houston, we have a problem :-D
Build elasticvue_0.40.1_x64.dmg.zip from Karsten is not working for me:
but my buildelasticvue_0.40.1_aarch64.dmg.zip is working for me, but not for @kdambekalns :-D
I have Mac 12.4, Apple M1 Pro
Could this be related to security issues due to missing signing? Can you get any more details/errors on macos, maybe this is some kind of "trust insecure apps" stuff like on windows?
That would (usually) be a different message. macOS would tell you it cannot open the application, and you can then open it using the context menu in the Finder and confirm you want to open it.
This message says it's "damaged" immediately. 🙄
xattr -cr elasticvue.app
solves it, though… That removes all extended attibutes, in this case only one is present: com.apple.quarantine
xattr -cr elasticvue.app
solves it, though… That removes all extended attibutes, in this case only one is present:com.apple.quarantine
Thank you, that's awesome! So i guess this will be fixed once i published signed releases.
The desktop binary has trouble displaying information on my machine
docker run -ti -e "http.cors.enabled=true" -e "http.cors.allow-origin=tauri://localhost" --name elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" elasticsearch:7.17.6
Im connected, but with no node information
Im on linux, is this reproducible on Mac?
Hey guys, there's couple of strange bugs in the desktop app on macOS - the copy/paste problem is already reported, but Cmd + Q gets blocked in all other apps. Sometimes, rather than blocking other apps, I can switch focus into another window and when I press Cmd + Q, elasticvue quits (instead of the app that's focused).
The other (purely visual) issue is the icon in the docks, that's slightly disproportional to other apps (see image).
Other than that, pretty good job on the desktop version, thank you!
Hey @Numline1 , thanks for the feedback! Mac and windows feedback is particularly important because i only use linux systems. I will look into this for the next release.
@cars10 Not sure if this is a problem for anyone else, but the Firefox extension shows data but the desktop app does not. Both are the latest. Is there some known issue about this? The app seems to run okay.
Hey @bengaywins , which version are you using and which os?
The extension is Elasticvue 0.43.0
and the desktop app is Version 0.43.0 (20221106.104749)
OS: 12.6.1 Arch: M1
v0.44.0 Does not work on windows 10. Test Connection was successfull, but nothing is loading.
I'm experiencing the same as @joshzcold, on MacOS. I can connect to the cluster, but no information appears.