weirdAAL copied to clipboard
WeirdAAL (AWS Attack Library)
Committed an MIT license, but other licenses are available, of course.
from was a suggestion to see if changing user agent was possible with boto3 and possibly an evasion against guardduty guardduty is kinda black magic and not a lot...
``` raise ConnectTimeout(e, request=request) botocore.vendored.requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=60)')) ```
if you haven't created the dbs as part of setup, when you run modules they will run until it goes to write to the db (that doesn't exist). it's a...
The credential check ideally only occurs if you are actually doing something meaning, working with a module. So that's the first change - moving that logic into the `if (args.module)`...
Making sure to leave a note re: @carnal0wnage and I's discussion last night re: conventions. Background: Now that we have both GCP and AWS functionality we might have a situation...
from lunch... we will log the results of the recon module to the DB. we need some functions/modules that will check what services and sub-services the key has access to...
We should also add the ability to add ourselves as a subscriber to a topic. I'm thinking just email at first. Maybe later we expand to all available options.
due to the way we developed the codebase the client exception block is kinda all over the place. need to investigate building a single function to handle all the various...
ec2 snapshot volume snapshot memory start ecs or ec2 with required tools and mount volume steal the shit s3 - [x] list files in bucket - [x] download file from...