Hey @CoolHandSquid, How is this going? should I close it?
Hey mate! What about instead of creating a tab, creating a new console style box at the end of each pentesting service section (under the title of `Hacktricks Automatic Commands`,...
Perfect! I would like to ask you for 2 things: - Please, create 1 PR per modified page (the integration between gitbook and github isn't perfect and we don't want...
Hey man, something weird happened. I received the emails of the PRs but I cannot see them in github. Could you try to do the PRs again?
I hae accepted your PRs, let me know once they are working. Also, I saw you added nmap scripts to be launched, but I don't know if you added the...
I'm glad you liked the MSF scripts idea. Once this is working create a tutorial or something and let me know so I can share it.
Hey man, sorry for the waiting. This is awesome, thank you very much for creating this. My suggestions would be to just keep adding tools and metasploit scripts. Also maybe,...
Sorry, this repository has been unattended several years and I don't have plans to continue it's development in a near future. If you want to maintain it I will give...
This sounds good, but I don't dedicate much time to legion as I support other programs more. Could you submit a PR?
This sounds good, but I don't dedicate much time to legion as I support other programs more. Could you submit a PR?