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Optional Arduino/digital electronics simulator for Ardublockly.
If you click the 'simulate' button I have added to your index.html it will open my simulator.htm and transfer any C code you have, as well as the selected MCU, to my simulator.
At the moment only Arduino Mega and Arduino Uno are supported. One of these will be automatically created when you transfer the code and MCU.
For now I have hard coded the MCU type to Mega and the code to what ever I need for debugging purposes, in simulator.htm
You can place LEDs and resistors for now and connect them up with wires. It will turn on if you connect it up to the 5V pins of Uno or Mega. If you select a resistor with a value to high the LED will not turn on due to undercurrent. If you select a resistor with a value to low then the LED will blow to to over current. And you need to stop simulation, hit the 'replace' button and change the resistor.
You can add or remove nodes from wires with a right mouse click. But I am intending to add a middle mouse click to detach wires from pins so you can reconnect them to a different pin rather than have to delete the whole wire.
Try it out and see what you think.