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Dart 2 Web Framework, with an ExpressJS like API.
Evy is a Dart 2 Web Framework, with an ExpressJS like API.
Getting Started
For start using Evy in your project you need to clone this repo and add it to dependencies section in your pubspec.yaml file:
# pubspec.yaml
name: example_app
description: My app
path: /path/to/evy
Example code
import 'package:evy/evy.dart';
void main() {
var app = Evy();
/// This middleware will match all routes.
app.use(handler: logRequest);
/// This middleware will be called only for '/greet/:name' routes.
app.use(path: '/greet/:name', handler: checkName);
/// This middleware will be called only for '/greet/:name' routes.
/// It will be executed after checkName middleware.
app.use(path: '/greet/:name', handler: changeName);
/// Or just pass the middleware callbacks as a list.
/// app.use(path: '/greet/:name', callback: [checkName, changeName]);
///Routes can have a callback for process the request.
app.get(path: '/greet/:name', handler: sayHello);
///Path can be a RegExp, this route will match /evy, /evyhi, /whateverevy... .
app.get(path: RegExp('/.*evy'), handler: sayHello);
///Path can be a List of Strings, this will match /users, /user and /client.
app.get(path: ['/users', '/user', '/client'], handler: sayHello);
port: 3000,
callback: (error) {
if (error != null) {
} else {
print('Server listening on port 3000');
void changeName(Request req, Response res, next) {
if (req.params['name'] == 'Alberto') {
req.params['name'] = 'Carlos';
void checkName(Request req, Response res, next) {
if (req.params['name'] != 'Alberto') {
res.send('Only Alberto is allowed to use this action');
} else {
void logRequest(Request req, Response res, next) {
/// Do your logging stuff and then call next()
print('${req.ip} - - [${DateTime.now()}] "${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}"');
void sayHello(Request req, Response res, next) {
if (req.params['name'] != null) {
res.send('Hello ${req.params['name']}');
} else {
- [X] Implement basic HTTP methods (~~POST~~, PUT, etc).
- [X] Create Request and Response wrappers.
- [X] Per Route Middlewares.
- [X] Global Middlewares.
- [X] Sub-apps
app.use(path: '/billing', app: billingApp)
. - [ ] ~~Serve static files~~ (Use a package instead).
- [ ] ~~Content body parsing~~ (Use a package instead).
- [ ] Routes group.
- [ ] Publish package to Dart Packages.
- [ ] Testing.
- [ ] Logo design.