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Simplifying tests!
= Remarkable
You can read this file nicely formatted at the Rubyforge project page:
== Description
Remarkable is a framework for rspec matchers that supports macros and I18n. It's constituted of three pieces:
Remarkable: the framework with helpers, DSL, I18n and rspec features;
Remarkable ActiveRecord: a collection of matchers for ActiveRecord. It supports all ActiveRecord validations, associations and some extra matchers.
Remarkable Rails: a collection of matchers for ActionController. It also includes MacroStubs, which is a clean DSL for stubbing your controller methods.
In each folder above, you can find a README more detailed description of each piece.
== Why use Remarkable for Rails?
The only one with matchers for all ActiveRecord validations, with support to all options (except :on and the option :with in validates_format_of);
Matchers for all ActiveRecord associations. The only one which supports all these options:
:through, :source, :source_type, :class_name, :foreign_key, :dependent, :join_table, :uniq, :readonly, :validate, :autosave, :counter_cache, :polymorphic
Plus SQL options:
:select, :conditions, :include, :group, :having, :order, :limit, :offset
Besides in Remarkable 3.0 matchers became much smarter. Whenever :join_table or :through is given as option, it checks if the given table exists. Whenever :foreign_key or :counter_cache is given, it checks if the given column exists;
ActionController matchers:
:assign_to, :filter_params, :redirect_to, :render_with_layout, :respond_with, :render_template, :route, :set_session and :set_the_flash;
Macro stubs: make your controllers specs easier to main, more readable and DRY;
Tests and more tests. We have a huge tests suite ready to run and tested in Rails 2.1.2, 2.2.2 and 2.3.2;
I18n and great documentation.
It has your style. You can choose between:
it { should validate_numericality_of(:age).greater_than(18).only_integer }
it { should validate_numericality_of(:age, :greater_than => 18, :only_integer => true) }
should_validate_numericality_of :age, :greater_than => 18, :only_integer => true
should_validate_numericality_of :age do |m| m.only_integer m.greater_than 18
Or: m.greater_than = 18
Remarkable Rails requires rspec >= 1.2.0 and rspec-rails >= 1.2.0.
== Install on Rails
Install the gem:
sudo gem install remarkable_rails
This will install remarkable, remarkable_activerecord and remarkable_rails gems.
Inside Rails you need to require just this gem. If you are using ActiveRecord, it will automatically require the remarkable_activerecord gem.
== Rails 2.3
In Rails 2.3, in order to rspec load properly, you have to use this configuration on your config/environments/test.rb
config.gem "rspec", :lib => false config.gem "rspec-rails", :lib => false config.gem "remarkable_rails", :lib => false
And then require remarkable inside your spec_helper.rb, after "spec/rails":
require 'spec/rails' require 'remarkable_rails'
This is the safest way to avoid conflicts.
Users who are upgrading to Remarkable 3.0, should not find any problem if their tests are running without deprecation warnings.
== Developers
If you are developing matchers, for example hpricot matchers, you need to install only the remarkable "core" gem:
sudo gem install remarkable
If you stumble into any problem or have doubts while building your matchers, please drop us a line. We are currently searching for people who wants to join us and provide matchers for Datamapper, Sequel, Sinatra and all other possible options. :)
== Browse the documentation
Remarkable ActiveRecord:
Remarkable Rails:
== More information
Google group: Bug tracking:
All projects are under MIT LICENSE.