Carlo Corradini

Results 86 comments of Carlo Corradini

@swanandx @henil Any thoughts on this? I apologize for pinging

I believe the numerous papers on Distroless vs Alpine can explain it far better than I can.😂😅 See [this]( or [this]( or ...

These scripts are quite user-friendly (with `--help` and args configuration) and `POSIX` compliant

The `main` parts are a few lines of code: `` `` Easy peasy

Sorry for the late reply, I'll check it ASAP 🥳

@gyl89 Strange... I'm using the same approach with [`graphql-auth-directive`]( (see ) Can you create an example repo with the code so we can examine and test it? Thanks 😅🥳

So, also typings requires a package.json with type: module? I have to check this :/ If this is the case, we need to duplicate the typings and all should be...

@kf6kjg I've tried now and it is working flawlessy: `package.json`: ```jsonc { // ... "type": "module" } ``` `tsconfig.json`: ```jsonc { // ... "compilerOptions": { // ... "module": "esnext" }...

@kf6kjg This is the current `package.json` configuration: ```jsonc { // ... "exports": { ".": { "require": "./build/cjs/index.js", "import": "./build/esm/index.js", "types": "./build/typings/index.d.ts" } }, "main": "./build/cjs/index.js", "module": "./build/esm/index.js", "types": "./build/typings/index.d.ts", }...

@kf6kjg I know we are working on it. Is still a PR :)