I am also working on a Ionic (hybrid) APP and this plugin is working fine on Android. On IOS it is compiled successfully, but the notifications no more arrive on...
Hi @vivekkumarbiswal finally I solved with these 2 actions: 1) reinstalling the plugin with ALL the parameters suggested in the ReadMe: `ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fcm-with-dependecy-updated --variable ANDROID_DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_ICON="@mipmap/ic_launcher" --variable ANDROID_FIREBASE_BOM_VERSION="26.0.0"...
I am sorry I don't know how to help you, I don't get that error.
Hello, this pull request could be very useful, for a project I am working on, and I could test it. I see there is still a branch conflict, are you...
Hi @Havagan, can you please provide an example on how to handle the Encrypted Assertions? I see that there is GetEncryptedAttributes() but I get no attributes. Maybe I am doing...
Facing same issue too. I am using it in Ionic 5 Cordova APP on Android 7. Any shell command results in Error=100.