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This project was merged into Django 1.8, and is now unsupported and unmaintained as a third-party app.

============= django-secure

.. warning::

This project was merged into Django 1.8_. It does not provide any additional checks beyond those included in Django 1.8+, so there is no reason to use it with Django 1.8+. Since Django 1.8 is now the lowest supported Django version, this project is now unsupported and un-maintained.

Helping you remember to do the stupid little things to improve your Django site's security.

Inspired by Mozilla's Secure Coding Guidelines_, and intended for sites that are entirely or mostly served over SSL (which should include anything with user logins).

.. _Secure Coding Guidelines: .. _merged into Django 1.8:



Tested with Django_ 1.4 through trunk, and Python_ 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, and 3.3. Quite likely works with older versions of both, though; it's not very complicated.

.. _Django: .. _Python:


Install from PyPI with pip::

pip install django-secure

or get the in-development version_::

pip install django-secure==dev

.. _in-development version:


  • Add "djangosecure" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

  • Add "djangosecure.middleware.SecurityMiddleware" to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting (where depends on your other middlewares, but near the beginning of the list is probably a good choice).

  • Set the SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT setting to True if all non-SSL requests should be permanently redirected to SSL.

  • Set the SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS setting to an integer number of seconds and SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS to True, if you want to use HTTP Strict Transport Security_.

  • Set the SECURE_FRAME_DENY setting to True, if you want to prevent framing of your pages and protect them from clickjacking_.

  • Set the SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF setting to True, if you want to prevent the browser from guessing asset content types.

  • Set the SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER setting to True, if you want to enable the browser's XSS filtering protections.

  • Set SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE and SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY to True if you are using django.contrib.sessions. These settings are not part of django-secure, but they should be used if running a secure site, and the checksecure management command will check their values.

  • Ensure that you're using a long, random and unique SECRET_KEY.

  • Run python checksecure to verify that your settings are properly configured for serving a secure SSL site.

.. _HTTP Strict Transport Security:

.. _clickjacking:

.. warning:: If checksecure gives you the all-clear, all it means is that you're now taking advantage of a small selection of easy security wins. That's great, but it doesn't mean your site or your codebase is secure: only a competent security audit can tell you that.

.. end-here


See the full documentation_ for more details.

.. _full documentation: