janus copied to clipboard
Error in Readme
Readme.md states that
Is there a replacement key shortcut for formating the entire file (aside from the standard vim gg = G)?
it's not fef
but <leader>fef
, I've been using that since even before Janus, so check if you're not overriding the key in your .vimrc.after
file or in a custom plugin.
/cc @adrianrego
works for me. echoing what @eMxyzptlk said, it could be a custom config or plugin.
interesting. I am using <leader>fef
. Paste issue earlier. I have a fresh install of janus and no custom configs. <leader>f
"Search for character: " is displayed on the status line, which is the EasyMotion plugin. So I'm assuming that the EasyMotion plugin has taken over this shortcut in the default install.
I am running macvim installed via brew.
@vowell: The default leader key is \ key. Can you try and post here?
yes backslash is the default <leader>
key, and that is what I'm using.
Is it possible to look at your dotfiles?
n-tuple:~ jason$ ls -a .*imrc*
.gvimrc .gvimrc.before .vimrc .vimrc.before
n-tuple:~ jason$ cat .gvimrc.before
set guifont=Menlo\ Regular:h16.00
" set guifont=Monaco:h16.00
" set lines=45
" set columns=110
set guioptions-=m
set guioptions-=T
set guioptions-=r
set guioptions-=l
set guioptions-=L
set transparency=5
set vb t_vb= " Turn off bell
colorscheme molokai
n-tuple:~ jason$ cat .vimrc.before
let NERDTreeMinimalUI=1
Just tried your dotfiles on my machine and \fef works for me. I am running mvim 7.3.260.